Hardware Resource Manager Policy Files

HWRM policy files define the priority for reserving Lights and Vibra resources. Clients having higher priority preempts the reservation of the resource of lower priority client. Policy files are optional.

There are four types of policy files. Two of the policy files define the device creator-specific (handset manufacturer) customization and other two define device-specific customizations. The device-specific policy files have higher priority over the device creator-specific files.

Location of the policy files

All policy files must be stored on the ROM drive (Z drive) in HWRM server’s private directory: Z:\private\101f7a02\

  • Device-specific vibra policy file: ProductHWRMVibraPolicy.INI

  • Device-specific lights policy file: ProductHWRMLightsPolicy.INI

  • Device Creator-specific vibra policy file: CustomerHWRMVibraPolicy.INI

  • Device Creator-specific lights policy file: CustomerHWRMLightsPolicy.INI

Sample policy file

The format of a policy file is an ASCII text file.

#sample policy file

Priority    SID         AppName
1           0x12345678  ReallyHigh.exe
100         0x100058F3  SysAp.exe
150         0xffffffff  MidiEngine.exe
500         ALL
990         0x87654321  ReallyLow.exe
42          0x33442255  HWRMTests.exe

Note: This is only a sample policy file and does not contain valid SIDs.

Each line of the file is parsed and a line is considered valid data if it contains the following elements:

  • Priority: An integer value between 1 (highest priority) to 1000 (lowest priority) can be used.

  • SID (Secure ID): An hexadecimal value to identify specific clients or 'ALL' to specify all clients. Value of the SID must be a valid 8 digit hexadecimal number preceded by 0x.

  • Appname: An optional string to specify the client application name.