osntypes.h File Reference

Typedef int8

typedef signed charint8

Defines a signed 8 bit integer.

Typedef uint8

typedef unsigned charuint8

Defines an unsigned 8 bit integer.

Typedef int16

typedef signed short intint16

Defines a signed 16 bit integer.

Typedef uint16

typedef unsigned short intuint16

Defines an unsigned 16 bit integer.

Typedef int32

typedef signed long intint32

Defines an signed 32 bit integer.

Typedef uint32

typedef unsigned long intuint32

Defines an unsigned 32 bit integer.

Typedef int64

typedef signed long longint64

Defines a signed 64 bit integer.

Typedef uint64

typedef unsigned long longuint64

Defines an unsigned 64 bit integer.

Typedef float32

typedef floatfloat32

Defines a 32 bit floating point number.

Typedef float64

typedef doublefloat64

Defines a 64 bit floating point number.

Typedef char8

typedef charchar8

Defines an 8 bit character (usually ASCII).

Typedef uint

typedef unsigned intuint

Defines an system dependent unsigned int (in 32 bit system it is 4 bytes and in 16 bit system it is 2 bytes).

Typedef uchar

typedef unsigned charuchar

Defines an 8 bit unsigned char

Typedef char16

typedef __wchar_t char16

Defines a 16 bit character (usually unicode).

Typedef bool32

typedef int32bool32

Defines a 32 bit boolean.

Typedef ReturnCode

typedef int32ReturnCode

Defines the return code data type.

const int8 MAX_INT8

const int8MAX_INT8

Defines maximum value for a int8 variable

const int8 MIN_INT8

const int8MIN_INT8

Defines minimum value for a int8 variable

const uint8 MAX_UINT8

const uint8MAX_UINT8

Defines maximum value for a uint8 variable

const int16 MAX_INT16

const int16MAX_INT16

Defines maximum value for a int16 variable

const int16 MIN_INT16

const int16MIN_INT16

Defines minimum value for a int16 variable

const uint16 MAX_UINT16

const uint16MAX_UINT16

Defines maximum value for a uint16 variable

const int32 MAX_INT32

const int32MAX_INT32

Defines maximum value for a int32 variable

const int32 MIN_INT32

const int32MIN_INT32

Defines minimum value for a int32 variable

const uint32 MAX_UINT32

const uint32MAX_UINT32

Defines maximum value for a uint32 variable

const uint32 MAX_PATH_LENGTH

const uint32MAX_PATH_LENGTH

Maximum path/filename length including a NULL terminator. A char16* array of this size is guaranteed to accomodate all filenames returned by the system.

const char16 PATH_DELIMITER

const char16PATH_DELIMITER

const char16 DRIVE_DELIMITER