Fader Plug-ins

This topic provides information about fader plug-ins in the non-ScreenPlay variant.

Variant: Non-ScreenPlay. Target audience: Device creators.

In ScreenPlay, fading effects can be created using render stages. See ScreenPlay Render Stages for more information.


This document is intended to demonstrate how to implement a MWsFader interface for use by plug-ins.

Setup and configuration requirements

All specified plug-ins are loaded by WSERV, or the default plug-ins are loaded if none are specified.

The plug-ins to be loaded are specified in the WSINI.INI file using a line such as the following:


Each plug-in can then have its own section in the WSINI.INI file in which ID, TYPE, and DATA parameters can be specified. These are as follows:

  • ID is a UID, used to search for <uid>.dll.

  • TYPE is a type, used for every dll of that type. This can be used if no UID is specified.

  • DATA can be used to pass arbitrary data to a plug-in.

A typical section might look like this:

ID 0x10285A2C

Using fader plug-ins

The high level steps for loading and using fader plug-ins are:

  1. Screen gets pointer to fader object at construction time

  2. Fader is called to perform custom fading of screen region

1. Screen gets pointer to fader object at construction time

Setup in WSINI.INI file

In the WSINI.INI file, the name of the fader to be used is specified on a per screen basis using lines such as the following:



If no fader is specified, the default fader will be used.


The following code will need to be used:

CScreen::ConstructL() is called.

WsIniFile()->FindVar(“FADER”) will return the name of fader to be used

CWsPluginManager::FindNamedImplementation<MwsFader>() is called. This is a templated function, where the template determines what is returned.

For each plug-in in the list of plug-ins:

  • Call CWsPlugin::ObjectInterface(“MWsFader”), requesting the plug-in to supply the MWsFader interface

  • This results in a call to ResolveObjectInterface(“MWsFader”) on the plug-in. If the plug-in is a fader plug-in, then it is required to “return this ”, otherwise “return NULL

  • If the plug-in returns an MWsFader*, and it has the correct plug-in name, return the MWsFader*


2. Fader is called to perform custom fading of screen region


CWsWindowRedraw::PostDrawWindow() is called

If fading enabled: Get the pointer to the fader instance via CPlaybackGc

  • Call CFader::SetFadingParameters().

  • Call CFader::FadeArea()

  • The fader plug-in fades the requested area.
