Setting Users and Managers

You can use the following command to set a user:

keytool –setuser 0x1234abcd MyRsaKey

Note: You can set only one user at a time.

Output from a successful attempt at setting a user may be similar to the following:

User set successfully.
Store Label: Software key store
Version: 1.00      Serial Number: 0      Manufacturer: Nokia Corporation  Store Type: Read only
        Algorithm: DSA    Size: 512  bits
        Usage : PKCS15 Sign    Code: 0x4 
        Owner : 0x10281c32 
        User : 0x1234abcd 
        Access flags: Extractable 
        ID: bb 6d 53 c5 06 93 0b 45 14 11 39 df 0a 3f fc 5b b0 17 ba 28 
        Label: abc
        Native: Yes 
        Start date: not set    End date: not set

You can use the following command to set multiple users:

keytool –setallusers

Output from a successful attempt at setting multiple users may be similar to the following:

Users set successfully.
Store Label: Software key store
Version: 1.00      Serial Number: 0      Manufacturer: Nokia Corporation  Store Type: Read only
        Algorithm: DSA    Size: 512  bits
        Usage : PKCS15 Sign    Code: 0x4 
        Owner : 0x10281c32 
        User : ALL 
        Access flags: Extractable 
        ID: bb 6d 53 c5 06 93 0b 45 14 11 39 df 0a 3f fc 5b b0 17 ba 28 
        Label: abc
        Native: Yes 
        Start date: not set    End date: not set

You can use the following command to set a manager:

keytool –setmanager abc

Output from a successful attempt at setting a manager may be similar to the following:

Manager set successfully.
Store Label: Software key store
Version: 1.00      Serial Number: 0      Manufacturer: Nokia Corporation  Store Type: Read only
        Algorithm: DSA    Size: 512  bits
        Usage : PKCS15 Sign    Code: 0x4 
        Owner : WriteDeviceData 
        User : ALL 
        Access flags: Extractable 
        ID: bb 6d 53 c5 06 93 0b 45 14 11 39 df 0a 3f fc 5b b0 17 ba 28 
        Label: abc
        Native: Yes 
        Start date: not set    End date: not set
Related concepts
Removing Users