CAknNoteControl::TIndex Class Reference

class CAknNoteControl::TIndex

Manage indexes into LAF tables

NP stands for "Note Popup"

WNP stands for "Waiting/progress Note Popup"

NWIP stands for "Note With Image Popup"

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TIndex(TInt, TBool, TSize)

TBoolaHasNti = EFalse,
TSizeaImageSize =  TSize(0, 0)

C++ default constructor.


TInt aNumberOfLinesNumber of lines.
TBool aHasNti = EFalseDetermines whether or not there is a number type indication (NTI).
TSize aImageSize =  TSize(0, 0)Image size.

Member Functions Documentation


TInt HasNtiIndex()const [private]


TInt ImageHeightIndex()const [private]


TInt ImageWidthIndex()const [private]


TInt Lines()const

Returns number of lines.


TInt NWIPWindowTextsLine1B(TIntaLineNum)const

Return Bottom index into table "Note With Image Popup Window Texts Line 1". Index is the same as the number of text lines minus one. See table in *.lay and LAF specs for working out indexes.


TInt aLineNumLine number.


TInt NWIPWindowTextsLine1L(TIntaLineNum)const

Return Left index into table "Note With Image Popup Window Texts Line 1". Index depends on number of text lines, whether or not there is a number type indication (NTI). See table in *.lay and LAF specs for working out indexes.


TInt aLineNumLine number.


TInt NWIPWindowTextsLine1R(TIntaLineNum)const

Return Right index into table "Note With Image Popup Window Texts Line 1". Index depends on number of text lines and image size. See table in *.lay and LAF specs for working out indexes.

Table has 3 dimensions:-
  • Dimension 1 is the line number

  • Dimension 2 is the image width

  • Dimension 3 is the image height


TInt aLineNumLine number.


TInt NWIPWindowTextsLine1W(TIntaLineNum)const

Return Width index into table "Note With Image Popup Window Texts Line 1". Index depends on number of text lines, whether or not there is a number type indication (NTI) and image size. See table in *.lay and LAF specs for working out indexes.

Table has 4 dimensions:-
  • Dimension 1 indicates the presence of an NTI(index 0 = NO NTI, index 1 = NTI)

  • Dimension 2 is the line number

  • Dimension 3 is the image width

  • Dimension 4 is the image height


TInt aLineNumLine number.


TInt PopupNoteWaitWindow()const

Return indexes for table AKN_LAYOUT_WINDOW_popup_note_wait_window. If there are 0-2 lines the index is 0. If there are 3 lines the index is 1, if there are 4 lines the index is 2.


TInt PopupNoteWindow()const

Return indexes for table AKN_LAYOUT_WINDOW_popup_note_window. If there are 0-2 lines the index is 0. If there are 3 lines the index is 1, if there are 4 or more lines the index is 2.


voidSelfTest()const [private]


TInt WNPWindowTextsLine1(TIntaLineNum)const

Return index into table "Waiting/progress Note Popup Window Texts Line 1". Index depends on the number of text lines and whether or not there is a number type indication (NTI). See table in *.lay and LAF specs for working out indexes.


TInt aLineNumLine number.

Member Data Documentation

TBool iHasNti

TBool iHasNti[private]

TSize iImageSize

TSize iImageSize[private]

TInt iNumberOfLines

TInt iNumberOfLines[private]