MTUDREG.H File Reference

Typedef MtmUiDataFactoryFunctionL

typedef CBaseMtmUiData *MtmUiDataFactoryFunctionL

UI Data MTM factory function.

A concrete UI Data MTM must implement an exported factory function of this type. It should return an instance of the CBaseMtmUiData-derived class that provides the implementation. The factory function is called by the UI Data MTM registry when a client requests this UI Data MTM.

A CBaseMtmUiData-derived class typically provides a NewL() function, which the factory function calls.

The factory function is called by ordinal. The ordinal of the function must match that recorded in the MTM's registry information.

The CRegisteredMtmDll& argument passes the registration data for the MTM DLL.

The return value is a newly-created instance of the CBaseMtmUi-derived class for the User Interface MTM.

The factory function should leave if it cannot create the object.

For example, a UI Data MTM whose concrete class was CEgMtmUiData could define a suitable factory function as:

EXPORT_C CBaseMtmUiData* NewEgMtmL(CRegisteredMtmDll& aRegisteredMtmDll)
	return CEgMtmUiData::NewL(aRegisteredMtmDll);