What is Root Server and the C32exe Process?

Root Server manages the process into which all Communications Servers are loaded. The process is called C32exe after the name of the process file c32exe.exe. The process is also known as C32.

Root Server runs as the main thread in the C32exe process. Root Server's role is to manage the threads in the C32exe process. A thread in the Root Server process is known as a Comms Provider Module (CPM). Root Server provides the RRootServ API to allow an application to request Root Server services. Services provided by Root Server include:

  • Set the MBuf pool size for the C32exe process.

  • Creating a Comms Provider Module in the C32exe process

  • Remove a Comms Provider Module

  • Bind and unbind Comms Provider Modules

  • Query information about the current Comms Provider Modules