Converting from UTC to local time in a non-system time zone

The following code fragment converts a randomly chosen UTC time to local time for London:
_LIT8( KEuropeLondon,"Europe/London" );
// Create a pointer to the time zone id.
// This is the time zone for the local time to which you wish to convert.
CTzId* myZoneId = CTzId::NewL( KEuropeLondon );
CleanupStack::PushL( myZoneId );
// Create a client interface object to the time zone server
RTz myTZoneServer; 
// Connect to the time zone server, leaves if fails to connect
User::LeaveIfError( myTZoneServer.Connect() ); 
CleanupClosePushL( myTZoneServer );
// Create a converter object.
CTzConverter* myConverter = CTzConverter::NewL( myTZoneServer ); 
CleanupStack::PushL( myConverter );
_LIT8( KMyTime,"20050328:185600.00" ); // UTC time to convert (28 March 2005 18:56 hrs).
TTime myTime( KMyTime ); // Create the time as a TTime object
// Convert UTC to local time in Europe/London time zone.
myConverter->ConvertToLocalTime( myTime, *myZoneId ); 
// myTime is updated to hold the local time value.
// Clean up
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3);// causes myTZoneServer.Close() to be called