commsdattypeinfov1_1.h File Reference
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdGlobalSettingsRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdGlobalSettingsRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdConnectionPrefsRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdConnectionPrefsRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdNetworkRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdNetworkRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLocationRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLocationRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIAPRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIAPRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWAPAccessPointRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWAPAccessPointRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDialOutISPRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDialOutISPRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDialInISPRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDialInISPRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANServiceRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANServiceRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWLANServiceExtRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWLANServiceExtRecord |
WLANServiceExtension is internal Table
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdVPNServiceRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdVPNServiceRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAPacketServiceRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAPacketServiceRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdOutgoingGprsRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdOutgoingGprsRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIncomingGprsRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIncomingGprsRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdPANServiceExtRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdPANServiceExtRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDefaultWCDMARecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDefaultWCDMARecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdModemBearerRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdModemBearerRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANBearerRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANBearerRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdVirtualBearerRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdVirtualBearerRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWAPSMSBearerRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWAPSMSBearerRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWAPIPBearerRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWAPIPBearerRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdChargecardRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdChargecardRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdProxiesRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdProxiesRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAccessPointRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAccessPointRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIapPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIapPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdUmtsR99QoSAndOnTableRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdUmtsR99QoSAndOnTableRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdEapSimProtocolRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdEapSimProtocolRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdEapAkaProtocolRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdEapAkaProtocolRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdParamsSTypeId
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdParamsSTypeId |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdServiceEnableLlmnr
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdServiceEnableLlmnr |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdBearerAgent
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdBearerAgent |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdBearerTechnology
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdBearerTechnology |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdMaxConnectionAttempts
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdMaxConnectionAttempts |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdMaxRedialAttempts
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdMaxRedialAttempts |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdSMSBearer
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdSMSBearer |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdSMSReceiveMode
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdSMSReceiveMode |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdGPRSAttachMode
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdGPRSAttachMode |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAcceptIncomingGPRS
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAcceptIncomingGPRS |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdGPRSClassCBearer
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdGPRSClassCBearer |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdModemDataFax
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdModemDataFax |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdModemPhoneServicesSMS
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdModemPhoneServicesSMS |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLocationDataFax
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLocationDataFax |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLocationPhoneServicesSMS
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLocationPhoneServicesSMS |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdMaxMBufHeap
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdMaxMBufHeap |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDefaultAgent
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDefaultAgent |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDefaultNetwork
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDefaultNetwork |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdBearerAvailabilityCheckTSY
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdBearerAvailabilityCheckTSY |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdGlobalWapAcessPoint
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdGlobalWapAcessPoint |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDefaultSnap
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDefaultSnap |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdPromptForSnap
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdPromptForSnap |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDefaultTier
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDefaultTier |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdRegulatoryDomain
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdRegulatoryDomain |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWmmEnabled
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWmmEnabled |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdEnableCountryCode
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdEnableCountryCode |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDefaultRegulatoryDomain
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDefaultRegulatoryDomain |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdRanking
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdRanking |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDirection
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDirection |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdBearerSet
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdBearerSet |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDialogPref
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDialogPref |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIAPLink
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIAPLink |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdHostName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdHostName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIntlPrefixCode
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIntlPrefixCode |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdNatPrefixCode
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdNatPrefixCode |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdNatCode
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdNatCode |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAreaCode
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAreaCode |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDialOutCode
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDialOutCode |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDisableCallWaitingCode
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDisableCallWaitingCode |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdMobile
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdMobile |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdUsePulseDial
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdUsePulseDial |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWaitForDialTone
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWaitForDialTone |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdPauseAfterDialOut
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdPauseAfterDialOut |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIAPServiceType
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIAPServiceType |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIAPService
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIAPService |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIAPBearerType
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIAPBearerType |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIAPBearer
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIAPBearer |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIAPNetwork
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIAPNetwork |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIAPNetworkWeighting
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIAPNetworkWeighting |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIAPLocation
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIAPLocation |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIAPAppSid
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIAPAppSid |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdRealIAP
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdRealIAP |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWAPCurrentBearer
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWAPCurrentBearer |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWAPStartPage
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWAPStartPage |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDescription
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDescription |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdType
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdType |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDefaultTelNum
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDefaultTelNum |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDialResolution
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDialResolution |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdChargecard
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdChargecard |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdUseLoginScript
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdUseLoginScript |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLoginScript
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLoginScript |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdPromptForLogin
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdPromptForLogin |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLoginName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLoginName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLoginPass
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLoginPass |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDisplayPct
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDisplayPct |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIfParams
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIfParams |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIfNetworks
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIfNetworks |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIfPromptForAuth
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIfPromptForAuth |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIfAuthName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIfAuthName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIfAuthPass
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIfAuthPass |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIfAuthRetries
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIfAuthRetries |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIfCallbackEnabled
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIfCallbackEnabled |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIfCallbackType
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIfCallbackType |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIfCallbackInfo
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIfCallbackInfo |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdCallbackTimeout
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdCallbackTimeout |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIfServerMode
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIfServerMode |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIpAddrFromServer
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIpAddrFromServer |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIpAddr
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIpAddr |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIpNetMask
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIpNetMask |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIpGateway
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIpGateway |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIpDNSAddrFromServer
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIpDNSAddrFromServer |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIpNameServer1
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIpNameServer1 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIpNameServer2
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIpNameServer2 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIp6DNSAddrFromServer
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIp6DNSAddrFromServer |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIp6NameServer1
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIp6NameServer1 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIp6NameServer2
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIp6NameServer2 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIpAddrLeaseValidFrom
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIpAddrLeaseValidFrom |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIpAddrLeaseValidTo
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIpAddrLeaseValidTo |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdConfigDaemonManagerName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdConfigDaemonManagerName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdConfigDaemonName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdConfigDaemonName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdEnableIpHeaderComp
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdEnableIpHeaderComp |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdEnableLCPExtension
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdEnableLCPExtension |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDisablePlainTextAuth
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDisablePlainTextAuth |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdEnableSwComp
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdEnableSwComp |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdBearerName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdBearerName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdBearerSpeed
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdBearerSpeed |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdBearerCe
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdBearerCe |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdInitString
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdInitString |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdBearerType
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdBearerType |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdChannelCoding
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdChannelCoding |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAiur
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAiur |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdRequestedTimeSlots
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdRequestedTimeSlots |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdMaximumTimeSlots
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdMaximumTimeSlots |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdBearerService
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdBearerService |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdBearerProtocol
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdBearerProtocol |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdRlpVersion
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdRlpVersion |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIwfToMs
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIwfToMs |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdMsToIwf
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdMsToIwf |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAckTimer
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAckTimer |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdRetransmissionAttempts
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdRetransmissionAttempts |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdResequencePeriod
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdResequencePeriod |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdV42Compression
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdV42Compression |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdV42Codewords
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdV42Codewords |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdV42MaxLength
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdV42MaxLength |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAsymmetry
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAsymmetry |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdUserInitUpgrade
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdUserInitUpgrade |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdUseEdge
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdUseEdge |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINDescription
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINDescription |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINType
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINType |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINUseLoginScript
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINUseLoginScript |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINLoginScript
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINLoginScript |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINAuthentication
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINAuthentication |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINIfAuthRetries
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINIfAuthRetries |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINIfParams
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINIfParams |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINIfNetworks
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINIfNetworks |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINIpAddrFromServer
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINIpAddrFromServer |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINIpAddr
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINIpAddr |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINIpNetMask
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINIpNetMask |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINIpGateway
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINIpGateway |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINIpDNSAddrFromServer
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINIpDNSAddrFromServer |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINIpNameServer1
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINIpNameServer1 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINIpNameServer2
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINIpNameServer2 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINIp6DNSAddrFromServer
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINIp6DNSAddrFromServer |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINIp6NameServer1
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINIp6NameServer1 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINIp6NameServer2
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINIp6NameServer2 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINEnableIpHeaderComp
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINEnableIpHeaderComp |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINEnableLCPExtensions
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINEnableLCPExtensions |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINDisablePlainTextAuth
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINDisablePlainTextAuth |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINEnableSwComp
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINEnableSwComp |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINBearerName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINBearerName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINBearerSpeed
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINBearerSpeed |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINBearerCe
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINBearerCe |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINInitString
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINInitString |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDINUseEdge
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDINUseEdge |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANIfNetworks
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANIfNetworks |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANIpNetMask
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANIpNetMask |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANIpGateway
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANIpGateway |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANIpAddrFromServer
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANIpAddrFromServer |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANIpAddr
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANIpAddr |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANIpDNSAddrFromServer
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANIpDNSAddrFromServer |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANIpNameServer1
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANIpNameServer1 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANIpNameServer2
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANIpNameServer2 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANIp6DNSAddrFromServer
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANIp6DNSAddrFromServer |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANIp6NameServer1
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANIp6NameServer1 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANIp6NameServer2
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANIp6NameServer2 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANIpAddrLeaseValidFrom
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANIpAddrLeaseValidFrom |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANIpAddrLeaseValidTo
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANIpAddrLeaseValidTo |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANConfigDaemonManagerName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANConfigDaemonManagerName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANConfigDaemonName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANConfigDaemonName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANServiceExtensionTableName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANServiceExtensionTableName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANServiceExtensionTableRecordId
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANServiceExtensionTableRecordId |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdVPNPolicyName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdVPNPolicyName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdVPNIAPRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdVPNIAPRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdVPNSNAPRecord
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdVPNSNAPRecord |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdVPNNetwork
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdVPNNetwork |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAReqTrafficClass
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAReqTrafficClass |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAMinTrafficClass
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAMinTrafficClass |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAReqDeliveryOrder
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAReqDeliveryOrder |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAMinDeliveryOrder
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAMinDeliveryOrder |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAReqDeliverErroneousSDU
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAReqDeliverErroneousSDU |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAMinDeliverErroneousSDU
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAMinDeliverErroneousSDU |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAReqMaxSDUSize
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAReqMaxSDUSize |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAMinAcceptableMaxSDUSize
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAMinAcceptableMaxSDUSize |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAReqMaxUplinkRate
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAReqMaxUplinkRate |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAReqMinUplinkRate
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAReqMinUplinkRate |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAReqMaxDownlinkRate
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAReqMaxDownlinkRate |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAReqMinDownlinkRate
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAReqMinDownlinkRate |
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAReqBER |
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAMaxBER |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAReqSDUErrorRatio
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAReqSDUErrorRatio |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAMaxSDUErrorRatio
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAMaxSDUErrorRatio |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAReqTrafficHandlingPriority
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAReqTrafficHandlingPriority |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAMinTrafficHandlingPriority
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAMinTrafficHandlingPriority |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAReqTransferDelay
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAReqTransferDelay |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAMaxTransferDelay
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAMaxTransferDelay |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAReqGuaranteedUplinkRate
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAReqGuaranteedUplinkRate |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAMinGuaranteedUplinkRate
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAMinGuaranteedUplinkRate |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAReqGuaranteedDownlinkRate
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAReqGuaranteedDownlinkRate |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAMinGuaranteedDownlinkRate
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAMinGuaranteedDownlinkRate |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMASignallingIndication
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMASignallingIndication |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAImCmSignallingIndication
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAImCmSignallingIndication |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMASourceStatisticsDescriptor
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMASourceStatisticsDescriptor |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAPN
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAPN |
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMPDPType |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAPDPAddress
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAPDPAddress |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdReqPrecedence
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdReqPrecedence |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdReqDelay
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdReqDelay |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdReqReliability
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdReqReliability |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdReqPeakThroughput
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdReqPeakThroughput |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdReqMeanThroughput
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdReqMeanThroughput |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdMinPrecedence
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdMinPrecedence |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdMinDelay
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdMinDelay |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdMinReliability
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdMinReliability |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdMinPeakThroughput
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdMinPeakThroughput |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdMinMeanThroughput
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdMinMeanThroughput |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMADataCompression
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMADataCompression |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAHeaderCompression
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAHeaderCompression |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAUseEdge
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAUseEdge |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAAnonymousAccess
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAAnonymousAccess |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAIfParams
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAIfParams |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAIfNetworks
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAIfNetworks |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAIfPromptForAuth
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAIfPromptForAuth |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAIfAuthName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAIfAuthName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAIfAuthPass
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAIfAuthPass |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAIfAuthRetries
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAIfAuthRetries |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAIPNetMask
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAIPNetMask |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAIPGateway
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAIPGateway |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAIPAddrFromServer
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAIPAddrFromServer |
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAIPAddr |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAIPDNSAddrFromServer
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAIPDNSAddrFromServer |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAIPNameServer1
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAIPNameServer1 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAIPNameServer2
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAIPNameServer2 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAIP6DNSAddrFromServer
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAIP6DNSAddrFromServer |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAIP6NameServer1
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAIP6NameServer1 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAIP6NameServer2
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAIP6NameServer2 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAIPAddrLeaseValidFrom
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAIPAddrLeaseValidFrom |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAIPAddrLeaseValidTo
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAIPAddrLeaseValidTo |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAConfigDaemonManagerName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAConfigDaemonManagerName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAConfigDaemonName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAConfigDaemonName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMAEnableLCPExtensions
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMAEnableLCPExtensions |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWCDMADisablePlainTextAuth
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWCDMADisablePlainTextAuth |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAPType
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAPType |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdQOSWarningTimeOut
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdQOSWarningTimeOut |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdUmtsR99QoSAndOn
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdUmtsR99QoSAndOn |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdR5DataCompression
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdR5DataCompression |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdR5HeaderCompression
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdR5HeaderCompression |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdPacketFlowIdentifier
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdPacketFlowIdentifier |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdUmtsGprsRelease
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdUmtsGprsRelease |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLocalRole
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLocalRole |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdPeerRole
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdPeerRole |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdPeerMACAddresses
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdPeerMACAddresses |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdPromptForRemoteDevices
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const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDisableSdpQuery
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDisableSdpQuery |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAllowIncoming
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAllowIncoming |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdPromptIfMACListFails
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdPromptIfMACListFails |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdNapServiceEnabled
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdNapServiceEnabled |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDefaultGPRSUsage
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDefaultGPRSUsage |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDefaultGPRSAPN
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDefaultGPRSAPN |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDefaultGPRSPDPType
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const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDefaultGPRSPDPAddress |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDefaultGPRSPrecedence
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDefaultGPRSPrecedence |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDefaultGPRSDelay
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDefaultGPRSDelay |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDefaultGPRSReliability
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDefaultGPRSReliability |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDefaultGPRSPeakThroughput
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDefaultGPRSPeakThroughput |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDefaultGPRSMeanThroughput
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDefaultGPRSMeanThroughput |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDefaultGPRSMinPrecedence
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDefaultGPRSMinPrecedence |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDefaultGPRSMinDelay
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDefaultGPRSMinDelay |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDefaultGPRSMinReliability
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const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDefaultGPRSMinPeakThroughput
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDefaultGPRSMinPeakThroughput |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDefaultGPRSMinMeanThroughput
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDefaultGPRSMinMeanThroughput |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDefaultGPRSDataCompression
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const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDefaultGPRSUseEdge |
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const TMDBElementId KCDTIdNifName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdNifName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdPortName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdPortName |
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const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdTsyName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdCsyName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdCsyName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDataBits
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDataBits |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdStopBits
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdStopBits |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdParity
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdParity |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdRate
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdRate |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdHandshaking
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdHandshaking |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdSpecialRate
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdSpecialRate |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdXonChar
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdXonChar |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdXoffChar
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdXoffChar |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdFaxClassPref
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdFaxClassPref |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdSpeakerPref
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdSpeakerPref |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdSpeakerVolPref
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdSpeakerVolPref |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdModemInitString
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const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDataInitString
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDataInitString |
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const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdFaxInitString |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIspInitString
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIspInitString |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDialPauseLength
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const TMDBElementId KCDTIdCarrierTimeOut
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdCarrierTimeOut |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAutoAnswerRingCount
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAutoAnswerRingCount |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdSpeakerVolControlLow
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdSpeakerVolControlLow |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdSpeakerVolControlMedium
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdSpeakerVolControlMedium |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdSpeakerVolControlHigh
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdSpeakerVolControlHigh |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdSpeakerAlwaysOff
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdSpeakerAlwaysOff |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdSpeakerOnUntilCarrier
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdSpeakerOnUntilCarrier |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdSpeakerAlwaysOn
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdSpeakerAlwaysOn |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdSpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdSpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDialToneWaitModifier
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDialToneWaitModifier |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdCallProgress1
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdCallProgress1 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdCallProgress2
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdCallProgress2 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdCallProgress3
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdCallProgress3 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdCallProgress4
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const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdEchoOff |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdVerboseText
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdVerboseText |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdQuietOff
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdQuietOff |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdQuietOn
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdQuietOn |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDialCommandStateModifier
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDialCommandStateModifier |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdOnLine
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdOnLine |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdResetConfiguration
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdResetConfiguration |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdReturnToFactoryDefs
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdReturnToFactoryDefs |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDcdOnDuringLink
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDcdOnDuringLink |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDtrHangUp
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDtrHangUp |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDsrAlwaysOn
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDsrAlwaysOn |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdRtsCtsHandshake
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdRtsCtsHandshake |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdXonXoffHandshake
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdXonXoffHandshake |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdEscapeCharacter
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdEscapeCharacter |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdEscapeGuardPeriod
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdEscapeGuardPeriod |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdFaxClassInterrogate
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdFaxClassInterrogate |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdFaxClass
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdFaxClass |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdNoDialTone
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdNoDialTone |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdBusy
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdBusy |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdNoAnswer
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdNoAnswer |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdCarrier
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdCarrier |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdConnect
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdConnect |
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const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdCompressionV42bis |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdCompressionNone
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const TMDBElementId KCDTIdProtocolLapd
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdProtocolLapd |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdProtocolAlt
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdProtocolAlt |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdProtocolAltcellular
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdProtocolAltcellular |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdProtocolNone
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const TMDBElementId KCDTIdMessageCentreNumber
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdMessageCentreNumber |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdMessageValidityPeriod
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdMessageValidityPeriod |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdMessageDeliveryReport
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdMessageDeliveryReport |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdMinSignalLevel
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdMinSignalLevel |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdCommRole
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdCommRole |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdControlChannelPortName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdControlChannelPortName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdSirSettings
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdSirSettings |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLastSocketActivityTimeout
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLastSocketActivityTimeout |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLastSessionClosedTimeout
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLastSessionClosedTimeout |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLastSocketClosedTimeout
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLastSocketClosedTimeout |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdBCAStack
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdBCAStack |
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const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANBearerLddFilename
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANBearerLddFilename |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANBearerLddName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANBearerLddName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANBearerPddFilename
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANBearerPddFilename |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANBearerPddName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANBearerPddName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANBearerPacketDriverName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANBearerPacketDriverName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANLastSocketActivityTimeout
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANLastSocketActivityTimeout |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANLastSessionClosedTimeout
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANLastSessionClosedTimeout |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLANLastSocketClosedTimeout
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLANLastSocketClosedTimeout |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdVirtualBearerNifName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdVirtualBearerNifName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdVBLastSocketActivityTimeout
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdVBLastSocketActivityTimeout |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdVBLastSessionClosedTimeout
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdVBLastSessionClosedTimeout |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdVBLastSocketClosedTimeout
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdVBLastSocketClosedTimeout |
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const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWAPSMSGatewayAddress |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWAPSMSServiceCentreAddress
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWAPSMSServiceCentreAddress |
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWAPSMSWSPOption |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWAPSMSSecurity
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWAPSMSSecurity |
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const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWAPGatewayAddress |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWAPChargecard
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWAPChargecard |
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWAPIAP |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWAPWSPOption
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWAPWSPOption |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWAPSecurity
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWAPSecurity |
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const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWAPProxyPort |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWAPProxyLoginName
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const TMDBElementId KCDTIdWAPProxyLoginPass
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdWAPProxyLoginPass |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAccountNo
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAccountNo |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdPin
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdPin |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdLocalRule
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdLocalRule |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdNatRule
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdNatRule |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIntlRule
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIntlRule |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdISP
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdISP |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdProxyServiceType
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const TMDBElementId KCDTIdUseProxyServer
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdUseProxyServer |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdServerName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdServerName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdProtocolName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdProtocolName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdPortNumber
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdPortNumber |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdExceptions
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const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAccessPointGID
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAccessPointGID |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdSelectionPolicy
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdSelectionPolicy |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdTier
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdTier |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdMCpr
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdMCpr |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdCpr
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdCpr |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdCprConfig
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdCprConfig |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdSCpr
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdSCpr |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdProtocol
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdProtocol |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAppSID
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAppSID |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdConfigAPIdList
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdConfigAPIdList |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdCustomSelectionPolicy
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdCustomSelectionPolicy |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAccessPointPriority
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAccessPointPriority |
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const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIap1 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIap2
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIap2 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIap3
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIap3 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIap4
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIap4 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIap5
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIap5 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIap6
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIap6 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIap7
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIap7 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIap8
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIap8 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIap9
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIap9 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIap10
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIap10 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIap11
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIap11 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIap12
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIap12 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIap13
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIap13 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIap14
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIap14 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIap15
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIap15 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIapCount
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIapCount |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAp1
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAp1 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAp2
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAp2 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAp3
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAp3 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAp4
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAp4 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAp5
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAp5 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAp6
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAp6 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAp7
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAp7 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAp8
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAp8 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAp9
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAp9 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAp10
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAp10 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAp11
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAp11 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAp12
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAp12 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAp13
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAp13 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAp14
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAp14 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAp15
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAp15 |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdApCount
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdApCount |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdTierImplUid
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdTierImplUid |
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const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdTierThreadName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdTierManagerName
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const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdPromptUser |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdMCprUid
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdMCprUid |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdCprUid
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdCprUid |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdSCprUid
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdSCprUid |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdProtocolUid
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdProtocolUid |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdProtocolConfigLoaderUid
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdProtocolConfigLoaderUid |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdConfigAccessPointSCpr
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdConfigAccessPointSCpr |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdConfigAccessPointProtocol
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdConfigAccessPointProtocol |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdConfigAccessPointProtocolConfig
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const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdConfigAccessPointLayerBelow |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdEapSimProtocolId
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdEapSimProtocolId |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdEapSimPseudonym
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdEapSimPseudonym |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdEapSimUseNaiRealm
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdEapSimUseNaiRealm |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdEapSimNaiRealm
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdEapSimNaiRealm |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdEapSimTsyName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdEapSimTsyName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdEapSimMinRands
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdEapSimMinRands |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdEapAkaProtocolId
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdEapAkaProtocolId |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdEapAkaPseudonym
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdEapAkaPseudonym |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdEapAkaUseNaiRealm
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdEapAkaUseNaiRealm |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdEapAkaNaiRealm
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdEapAkaNaiRealm |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdEapAkaTsyName
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdEapAkaTsyName |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdPolicyId
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdPolicyId |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdAppUid
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdAppUid |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdSrcAddress
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdSrcAddress |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdSrcMask
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdSrcMask |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDstAddress
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDstAddress |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDstMask
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDstMask |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdSrcPort
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdSrcPort |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDstPort
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDstPort |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdSrcPortMax
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdSrcPortMax |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDstPortMax
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDstPortMax |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdProtocolId
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdProtocolId |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdIAPid
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdIAPid |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdPriority
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdPriority |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdPolicySelectorId
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdPolicySelectorId |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdParamsId
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdParamsId |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDownlinkBandwidth
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDownlinkBandwidth |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdUplinkBandwidth
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdUplinkBandwidth |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDownLinkMaximumBurstSize
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDownLinkMaximumBurstSize |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdUpLinkMaximumBurstSize
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdUpLinkMaximumBurstSize |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDownLinkAveragePacketSize
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDownLinkAveragePacketSize |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdUpLinkAveragePacketSize
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdUpLinkAveragePacketSize |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDownLinkMaximumPacketSize
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDownLinkMaximumPacketSize |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdUpLinkMaximumPacketSize
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdUpLinkMaximumPacketSize |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDownLinkDelay
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDownLinkDelay |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdUpLinkDelay
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdUpLinkDelay |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDownLinkDelayVariation
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDownLinkDelayVariation |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdUpLinkDelayVariation
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdUpLinkDelayVariation |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdDownLinkPriority
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdDownLinkPriority |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdUpLinkPriority
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdUpLinkPriority |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdHeaderMode
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdHeaderMode |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdScanPeriodMs
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdScanPeriodMs |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdRSSIMin
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdRSSIMin |
const TMDBElementId KCDTIdRSSIMax
const TMDBElementId | KCDTIdRSSIMax |
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All rights
reserved. Unless otherwise stated, these materials are provided under the terms of the Eclipse Public License