d32comm.h File Reference

const TInt KConfigMaxTerminators

const TIntKConfigMaxTerminators

const TUint KConfigObeyXoff

const TUintKConfigObeyXoff

const TUint KConfigSendXoff

const TUintKConfigSendXoff

const TUint KConfigObeyCTS

const TUintKConfigObeyCTS

const TUint KConfigFailCTS

const TUintKConfigFailCTS

const TUint KConfigObeyDSR

const TUintKConfigObeyDSR

const TUint KConfigFailDSR

const TUintKConfigFailDSR

const TUint KConfigObeyDCD

const TUintKConfigObeyDCD

const TUint KConfigFailDCD

const TUintKConfigFailDCD

const TUint KConfigFreeRTS

const TUintKConfigFreeRTS

const TUint KConfigFreeDTR

const TUintKConfigFreeDTR

const TUint KConfigObeyDTR

const TUintKConfigObeyDTR

const TUint KConfigFailDTR

const TUintKConfigFailDTR

const TUint KConfigObeyRTS

const TUintKConfigObeyRTS

const TUint KConfigFailRTS

const TUintKConfigFailRTS

const TUint KConfigFreeDSR

const TUintKConfigFreeDSR

const TUint KConfigFreeCTS

const TUintKConfigFreeCTS

const TUint KConfigFreeDCD

const TUintKConfigFreeDCD

const TUint KConfigFreeRI

const TUintKConfigFreeRI

const TUint KConfigWriteBufferedComplete

const TUintKConfigWriteBufferedComplete

const TUint KConfigParityErrorFail

const TUintKConfigParityErrorFail

const TUint KConfigParityErrorIgnore

const TUintKConfigParityErrorIgnore

const TUint KConfigParityErrorReplaceChar

const TUintKConfigParityErrorReplaceChar

const TUint KConfigXonXoffDebug

const TUintKConfigXonXoffDebug

const TUint KSignalCTS

const TUintKSignalCTS

const TUint KSignalDSR

const TUintKSignalDSR

const TUint KSignalDCD

const TUintKSignalDCD

const TUint KSignalRNG

const TUintKSignalRNG

const TUint KSignalRTS

const TUintKSignalRTS

const TUint KSignalDTR

const TUintKSignalDTR

const TUint KSignalBreak

const TUintKSignalBreak

const TUint KSignalChanged

const TUintKSignalChanged

const TUint KCTSChanged

const TUintKCTSChanged

const TUint KDSRChanged

const TUintKDSRChanged

const TUint KDCDChanged

const TUintKDCDChanged

const TUint KRNGChanged

const TUintKRNGChanged

const TUint KRTSChanged

const TUintKRTSChanged

const TUint KDTRChanged

const TUintKDTRChanged

const TUint KBreakChanged

const TUintKBreakChanged

const TUint KSignalDTEOutputs

const TUintKSignalDTEOutputs

const TUint KSignalDTEInputs

const TUintKSignalDTEInputs

const TUint KSignalDCEInputs

const TUintKSignalDCEInputs

const TUint KSignalDCEOutputs

const TUintKSignalDCEOutputs

const TUint KConfigSIRPulseWidthMaximum

const TUintKConfigSIRPulseWidthMaximum

const TUint KConfigSIRPulseWidthMinimum

const TUintKConfigSIRPulseWidthMinimum

const TUint KConfigSIRShutDown

const TUintKConfigSIRShutDown

const TUint KConfigSIRMinimumRange

const TUintKConfigSIRMinimumRange

const TUint KConfigSIRMediumRange

const TUintKConfigSIRMediumRange

const TUint KConfigSIRMaximumRange

const TUintKConfigSIRMaximumRange

Typedef TCommConfig

typedef TPckgBuf< TCommConfigV01 >TCommConfig

Package buffer for a TCommConfigV01 object.

TCommConfig packages the comms configuration structure TCommConfigV01 to a buffer. This is used with API of serial comms like RComm::Config(TDes8 &aConfig) and RComm::SetConfig(TDesC8 &aConfig) where config structure is passed as buffer.


Typedef TCommConfig2

typedef TPckgBuf< TCommConfigV02 >TCommConfig2

const TUint KCapsBps50

const TUintKCapsBps50

const TUint KCapsBps75

const TUintKCapsBps75

const TUint KCapsBps110

const TUintKCapsBps110

const TUint KCapsBps134

const TUintKCapsBps134

const TUint KCapsBps150

const TUintKCapsBps150

const TUint KCapsBps300

const TUintKCapsBps300

const TUint KCapsBps600

const TUintKCapsBps600

const TUint KCapsBps1200

const TUintKCapsBps1200

const TUint KCapsBps1800

const TUintKCapsBps1800

const TUint KCapsBps2000

const TUintKCapsBps2000

const TUint KCapsBps2400

const TUintKCapsBps2400

const TUint KCapsBps3600

const TUintKCapsBps3600

const TUint KCapsBps4800

const TUintKCapsBps4800

const TUint KCapsBps7200

const TUintKCapsBps7200

const TUint KCapsBps9600

const TUintKCapsBps9600

const TUint KCapsBps19200

const TUintKCapsBps19200

const TUint KCapsBps38400

const TUintKCapsBps38400

const TUint KCapsBps57600

const TUintKCapsBps57600

const TUint KCapsBps115200

const TUintKCapsBps115200

const TUint KCapsBps230400

const TUintKCapsBps230400

const TUint KCapsBps460800

const TUintKCapsBps460800

const TUint KCapsBps576000

const TUintKCapsBps576000

const TUint KCapsBps1152000

const TUintKCapsBps1152000

const TUint KCapsBps4000000

const TUintKCapsBps4000000

const TUint KCapsBps921600

const TUintKCapsBps921600

const TUint KCapsBpsAutobaud

const TUintKCapsBpsAutobaud

const TUint KCapsBpsSpecial

const TUintKCapsBpsSpecial

const TUint KCapsData5

const TUintKCapsData5

const TUint KCapsData6

const TUintKCapsData6

const TUint KCapsData7

const TUintKCapsData7

const TUint KCapsData8

const TUintKCapsData8

const TUint KCapsStop1

const TUintKCapsStop1

const TUint KCapsStop2

const TUintKCapsStop2

const TUint KCapsParityNone

const TUintKCapsParityNone

const TUint KCapsParityEven

const TUintKCapsParityEven

const TUint KCapsParityOdd

const TUintKCapsParityOdd

const TUint KCapsParityMark

const TUintKCapsParityMark

const TUint KCapsParitySpace

const TUintKCapsParitySpace

const TUint KCapsSignalCTSSupported

const TUintKCapsSignalCTSSupported

const TUint KCapsSignalDSRSupported

const TUintKCapsSignalDSRSupported

const TUint KCapsSignalDCDSupported

const TUintKCapsSignalDCDSupported

const TUint KCapsSignalRNGSupported

const TUintKCapsSignalRNGSupported

const TUint KCapsSignalRTSSupported

const TUintKCapsSignalRTSSupported

const TUint KCapsSignalDTRSupported

const TUintKCapsSignalDTRSupported

const TUint KCapsObeyXoffSupported

const TUintKCapsObeyXoffSupported

const TUint KCapsSendXoffSupported

const TUintKCapsSendXoffSupported

const TUint KCapsObeyCTSSupported

const TUintKCapsObeyCTSSupported

const TUint KCapsFailCTSSupported

const TUintKCapsFailCTSSupported

const TUint KCapsObeyDSRSupported

const TUintKCapsObeyDSRSupported

const TUint KCapsFailDSRSupported

const TUintKCapsFailDSRSupported

const TUint KCapsObeyDCDSupported

const TUintKCapsObeyDCDSupported

const TUint KCapsFailDCDSupported

const TUintKCapsFailDCDSupported

const TUint KCapsFreeRTSSupported

const TUintKCapsFreeRTSSupported

const TUint KCapsFreeDTRSupported

const TUintKCapsFreeDTRSupported

const TUint KCapsObeyRTSSupported

const TUintKCapsObeyRTSSupported

const TUint KCapsObeyDTRSupported

const TUintKCapsObeyDTRSupported

const TUint KCapsHasFifo

const TUintKCapsHasFifo

const TUint KCapsSIR115kbps

const TUintKCapsSIR115kbps

const TUint KCapsSIR2400bpsOnly

const TUintKCapsSIR2400bpsOnly

const TUint KCapsSIR4Mbs

const TUintKCapsSIR4Mbs

const TUint KNotifySignalsChangeSupported

const TUintKNotifySignalsChangeSupported

const TUint KNotifyRateChangeSupported

const TUintKNotifyRateChangeSupported

const TUint KNotifyDataFormatChangeSupported

const TUintKNotifyDataFormatChangeSupported

const TUint KNotifyHandshakeChangeSupported

const TUintKNotifyHandshakeChangeSupported

const TUint KNotifyBreakSupported

const TUintKNotifyBreakSupported

const TUint KNotifyFlowControlChangeSupported

const TUintKNotifyFlowControlChangeSupported

const TUint KNotifyDataAvailableSupported

const TUintKNotifyDataAvailableSupported

const TUint KNotifyOutputEmptySupported

const TUintKNotifyOutputEmptySupported

const TUint KCapsRoleSwitchSupported

const TUintKCapsRoleSwitchSupported

const TUint KCapsFlowControlStatusSupported

const TUintKCapsFlowControlStatusSupported

const TUint KRateChanged

const TUintKRateChanged

const TUint KDataFormatChanged

const TUintKDataFormatChanged

const TUint KHandshakeChanged

const TUintKHandshakeChanged

Typedef TCommCaps

typedef TPckgBuf< TCommCapsV01 >TCommCaps

Package buffer for a TCommCapsV01 object.

TCommCaps packages the comms capability structure TCommCapsV01 in a buffer. This is used by serial comms APIs to pass the capability structure as a buffer, for example in RComm::Caps(TDes8 &aCaps).


Typedef TCommCaps2

typedef TPckgBuf< TCommCapsV02 >TCommCaps2

Package buffer for a TCommCapsV02 object.

TCommCaps2 packages the comms capability structure TCommCapsV02 in a buffer. This is used by serial comms to pass the capability structure as a buffer, for example in RComm::Caps(TDes8 &aCaps)


Typedef TCommCaps3

typedef TPckgBuf< TCommCapsV03 >TCommCaps3

Package buffer for a TCommCapsV03 object.

TCommCaps3 packages the comms capability structure TCommCapsV03 in a buffer. This is used by serial comms APIs to pass the capability structure as a buffer, for example in RComm::Caps(TDes8 &aCaps)


Typedef TCommNotificationPckg

typedef TPckgBuf< TCommNotificationV01 >TCommNotificationPckg

Package buffer for a TCommNotificationV01 object. Packages TCommNotificationV01 within a buffer. TCommNotificationV01

const TUint KDataAvailableNotifyFlag

const TUintKDataAvailableNotifyFlag