Debug Macros

Describes the macros that can be used to debug the bootstrap.

The macro have no effect in non-debug builds of the bootstrap, when CFG_DebugBootRom is FALSE. These macros do not modify any registers, but they may modify flags. See Platform-Specific Configuration Header.


PRINT text

Sends the quoted text string text to the debug port.


PRTLN text

Appends a new-line character to the quoted text string text, and sends the resulting text to the debug port.


DWORD reg, text

Sends the quoted text string text to the debug port followed by the value of ARM general register reg as an 8 digit hexadecimal number followed by a new-line character.


MEMDUMP base, len

Dumps an area of memory of length len starting at base, specified in hexadecimal, and sends it to the debug port.