TSoundFormatsSupportedV02 Class Reference

class TSoundFormatsSupportedV02

The main audio capabilities class. This is used by the LDD to get either the play or record capabilities of a particular sound device once a channel to it has been opened.

Member Data Documentation

TUint32 iChannels

TUint32 iChannels

The audio channel configurations supported by this unit - a bitfield.

TUint32 iDataFormats

TUint32 iDataFormats

The data formats supported - a bitfield.

TSoundDirection iDirection

TSoundDirection iDirection

The data transfer direction for this unit: play or record. TSoundDirection.

TUint32 iEncodings

TUint32 iEncodings

The encoding formats supported - a bitfield.

TBool iHwConfigNotificationSupport

TBool iHwConfigNotificationSupport

Indicates whether this unit is capable of detecting changes in its hardware configuration.

TUint32 iRates

TUint32 iRates

The sample rates supported - a bitfield.

TInt iRequestAlignment

TInt iRequestAlignment

The logarithm to base 2 of the alignment required for request arguments. All requests to play or record data must specify locations in the shared chunk which conform to this alignment. For example, iRequestAlignment of 1 is 2 byte aligned (2^1), 2 is 4 byte aligned (2^2) etc.

TInt iRequestMinSize

TInt iRequestMinSize

The minimum request size that the device can support. All requests to play or record data must be of a length that is a multiple of this value.

TInt iReserved1

TInt iReserved1

Reserved field.