SwiUI::TInstallOptions Class Reference

class SwiUI::TInstallOptions

Represents installation options.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation




Member Data Documentation

TPolicy iCapabilities

TPolicy iCapabilities

Automatically grant user capabilities.

TPolicy iDownload

TPolicy iDownload

Is it ok to download.

TChar iDrive

TChar iDrive

Install target drive. (E.g. C, D, etc)

TPolicy iIgnoreOCSPWarnings

TPolicy iIgnoreOCSPWarnings

If OCSP is performed, but warnings found, what should be done then? -> Allow = Go ahead.

TPolicy iKillApp

TPolicy iKillApp

Silently kill an application if needed.

TLanguage iLang

TLanguage iLang

Which language should be used

TBuf< KSWInstMaxUserNameLength > iLogin

TBuf< KSWInstMaxUserNameLength >iLogin

Download username.

TPolicy iOCSP

TPolicy iOCSP

Tells whether OCSP should be performed or not.

TPolicy iOptionalItems

TPolicy iOptionalItems

Sometimes there are optional items in deployment packages.

TPolicy iOverwrite

TPolicy iOverwrite

Can files be overwritten.

TPolicy iPackageInfo

TPolicy iPackageInfo

Skip infos.

TBuf< KSWInstMaxPasswordLength > iPassword

TBuf< KSWInstMaxPasswordLength >iPassword

Download password.

TPolicy iUntrusted

TPolicy iUntrusted

Is installation of untrusted (uncertified) sw ok.

TPolicy iUpgrade

TPolicy iUpgrade

Is it ok to upgrade.

TPolicy iUpgradeData

TPolicy iUpgradeData

In case of upgrade, upgrade the data as well.

TBool iUsePhoneLang

TBool iUsePhoneLang

Force phone default language to be used