bookmarkdef.h File Reference

Typedef TItemId

typedef TUint32 TItemId

Id for bookmarks and folders

Typedef TAttachmentId

typedef TUint32 TAttachmentId

Id for bookmark attachments like icons

const TItemId KNullItemID

const TItemIdKNullItemID

A NULL value for a bookmark item ID

const TAttachmentId KNullAttachmentID

const TAttachmentIdKNullAttachmentID

A NULL value for an attachment (icon) ID

const TLitC< sizeof(L"Root")/2 > KTxtRootTitle

const TLitC< sizeof(L"Root")/2 >KTxtRootTitle[static]

The title of the root folder

const TItemId KRootItemID

const TItemIdKRootItemID

The root folder's ID

const TInt KMaxDescriptorLength

const TIntKMaxDescriptorLength

The maximum length of a 16 bit desciptor for a bookmark property

const TInt KMaxDataLength

const TIntKMaxDataLength

The maximum length of a 8 bit desciptor for a bookmark property

const TInt KMaxUriLength

const TIntKMaxUriLength

The maximum length of a bookmark URI

const TInt KMaxBookmarkEntries

const TIntKMaxBookmarkEntries

The maximum number of bookmark entries available in the database

const TInt KMaxFolderDepth

const TIntKMaxFolderDepth

The maximum depth that folders can be placed under folders

const TInt KMaxCustomProperties

const TIntKMaxCustomProperties

The maximum number of custom properties that can be registered

const SSecureId KNoOwnerId

const SSecureIdKNoOwnerId

A bookmark's owner ID will be set to this if it has no owner

const TInt KErrorBase

const TIntKErrorBase[static]

Error codes error numbers -7150 to -7199 have been reserved for the bookmark database

const TInt KErrBadVersion

const TIntKErrBadVersion[static]

The version number in the repository does not match the bookmark database version number

const TInt KErrWrongType

const TIntKErrWrongType[static]

The item is of the wrong type. A folder item is given where a bookmark item is required or visa versa

const TInt KErrOpenHandle

const TIntKErrOpenHandle[static]

Not all handles have been closed. A database object has been opened and has not been closed.

const TInt KErrNotOpen

const TIntKErrNotOpen[static]

The handle has not been opened. The handle is not attached to any bookmark object

const TInt KErrReadOnly

const TIntKErrReadOnly[static]

The bookmark item is read only and can not be modified.

const TInt KErrCyclicLoop

const TIntKErrCyclicLoop[static]

An attempt has been made to set the parent of an item to an item it owns lower in the tree. This invalidate the tree structure.

const TInt KErrDatabaseLocked

const TIntKErrDatabaseLocked[static]

The central database store is either locked or unaccessable at this time. You may want to try again later.

const TInt KErrNoMoreSpace

const TIntKErrNoMoreSpace[static]

The database has no more space for new bookmark entries

const TInt KErrCorrupt

const TIntKErrCorrupt[static]

The database is in a corrupt state

const TInt KErrNotRegistered

const TIntKErrNotRegistered[static]

A custom property with the given UID has not been reistered

const TInt KErrUidAlreadyUsed

const TIntKErrUidAlreadyUsed[static]

The an attempt was made to register a property using a UID that has already been used

const TInt KErrOrphanedItem

const TIntKErrOrphanedItem[static]

An orphaned item is one that is currently in the root folder due to its normal parent not being loaded This usually occurs when folders are private but some of the bookmarks it contains are public Some operations (such as changing the rank or order of an item) can not be performed on an orphaned object

const TInt KErrTitleAlreadyUsed

const TIntKErrTitleAlreadyUsed[static]

An attempt has been made to create a folder with a title that already exists

const TInt KErrOperationDenied

const TIntKErrOperationDenied[static]

The operation is not allowed. (Like trying to delete the root folder)

const TInt KErrNotCommitted

const TIntKErrNotCommitted[static]

The operation can not be completed until the item has been committed to the database (e.g. setting the owner ID)

const TLitC< sizeof(L"Pointer not null")/2 > KBookmarkErrNullPointer

const TLitC< sizeof(L"Pointer not null")/2 >KBookmarkErrNullPointer[static]

const TLitC< sizeof(L"Ref count zero")/2 > KBookmarkErrNegativeRefCount

const TLitC< sizeof(L"Ref count zero")/2 >KBookmarkErrNegativeRefCount[static]

const TLitC< sizeof(L"Handle(s) open")/2 > KBookmarkErrOpenHandles

const TLitC< sizeof(L"Handle(s) open")/2 >KBookmarkErrOpenHandles[static]

const TLitC< sizeof(L"Wrong item type")/2 > KBookmarkErrWrongType

const TLitC< sizeof(L"Wrong item type")/2 >KBookmarkErrWrongType[static]

const TLitC< sizeof(L"Handle not open")/2 > KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen

const TLitC< sizeof(L"Handle not open")/2 >KBookmarkErrHandleNotOpen[static]

const TLitC< sizeof(L"No parent")/2 > KBookmarkErrNoParent

const TLitC< sizeof(L"No parent")/2 >KBookmarkErrNoParent[static]

const TLitC< sizeof(L"Invalid parent")/2 > KBookmarkErrParent

const TLitC< sizeof(L"Invalid parent")/2 >KBookmarkErrParent[static]

const TLitC< sizeof(L"Corrupt database")/2 > KBookmarkErrCorrupt

const TLitC< sizeof(L"Corrupt database")/2 >KBookmarkErrCorrupt[static]

const TLitC< sizeof(L"Length too long")/2 > KBookmarkErrTooLong

const TLitC< sizeof(L"Length too long")/2 >KBookmarkErrTooLong[static]