Configuring the Search-sort Cache

Message Server stores all executed queries in the search-sort cache if there is enough space. When the cache is full, the server deletes the least recently used query to accommodate a new search-sort query. The number of queries that the cache can store depends on its size, which is configurable.

Message Server maintains a search-sort cache internally to store the search-sort queries. The size of the index entry cache and the percentage of the index entry cache for search-sort cache can be configured by licensees using the configuration parameters in the msgcache.ini configuration file.

For example, if the value of index entry cache is 100 KB and the search-sort cache is set to 10 percent, then the size of the search-sort cache is 10 KB and the total size of the cache is 110 KB. For more information on configuring the index entry cache, see Caching.

Note: The search-sort cache is not persistent when the device reboots.

  1. Locate the msgcache.ini file at Z:\private\1000484b\.

  2. Set the MsvSearchSortCachePercentage parameter to the required percentage.