MVendorDebugCommandMatcher Class Reference

class MVendorDebugCommandMatcher

This interface provides the ability to define a custom Match method to match an event with a vendor debug command. A class can derive from this interface, implement MvdcmMatch and then register itself via the CVendorDebugCommand::SetMatcher method. When the framework calls CVendorDebugCommand::Match it will call MvdcmMatch passing it the control of the matching algorithm.

Public Member Functions
voidMvdcmMatch(const CVendorDebugCommand &, const THCIEventBase &, TBool &, TBool &, TBool &)

Member Functions Documentation

MvdcmMatch(const CVendorDebugCommand &, const THCIEventBase &, TBool &, TBool &, TBool &)

voidMvdcmMatch(const CVendorDebugCommand &aVendorDebugCommand,
const THCIEventBase &aEvent,
TBool &aMatchesCmd,
TBool &aConcludesCmd,
TBool &aContinueMatching
)const [pure virtual]

It defines a custom method to match an event to a CVendorDebugCommand


const CVendorDebugCommand & aVendorDebugCommandis the command to be matched
const THCIEventBase & aEventis the event to match
TBool & aMatchesCmdis set to say if the event matches the command or not
TBool & aConcludesCmdis set to say if the command is concluded by this match or not
TBool & aContinueMatchingis set to say if the framework has to continue the matching process or not