Switching ON the lights

The LightOnL() method call switches ON the specified target light. Multiple light targets can be specified using bitwise-or.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to switch ON lights for infinite duration with default intensity for multiple targets (Lights are switched ON with fade-in):

iLight->LightOnL( CHWRMLight::EPrimaryDisplay | CHWRMLight::EPrimaryKeyboard );

The following code snippet demonstrates how to switch ON lights for the specified duration with default intensity for one target (Lights are switched ON with fade-in):

//aDuration = 5000 milliseconds
light->LightOnL( CHWRMLight::ESecondaryDisplay, 5000 );

After the duration expires, if there has not been a previous infinite time duration call in this session, the light state for target is changed to whatever state was caused by the last infinite time duration call, or default state determined by inactivity timer.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to switch ON lights for the specified duration with specified intensity for one target (fade-in is also controlled):

// aDuration = 5000 milliseconds
// aIntensity = 50, intensity can be between KHWRMLightMinIntensity and KHWRMLightMaxIntensity, inclusive.
// aFadeIn = EFalse means that lights will turn ON instantly and fade-in is not used,
// ETrue would mean that lights would smoothly fade-in.
light->LightOnL( CHWRMLight::ESecondaryDisplay, 5000, 50, EFalse );
Note: All devices do not support user-defined intensity or fade-in. In such scenarios, the device behaves in its default method.