AknStatuspaneUtils Class Reference

class AknStatuspaneUtils

This class contains statuspane related utility methods.

Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C TIntCurrentStatusPaneLayoutResId()[static]

This method can be used the check the status pane layout resource ID of the current application. If the application has no status pane the resource ID is checked from AknCapServer.

R_AVKON_STATUS_PANE in avkon.rss


IMPORT_C TBoolExtendedFlatLayoutActive()[static]

This method checks if statuspane layout is currently any of extended flat layouts.


IMPORT_C TBoolExtendedLayoutActive()[static]

This method checks if any of extended status pane portrait mode layouts is active.


IMPORT_C TBoolExtendedStaconPaneActive()[static]

This method checks if statuspane layout is currently any of extended stacon layouts. (stacon = combined status & control pane, side softkeys).


IMPORT_C TBoolFlatLayoutActive()[static]

This method checks if any of flat statuspane layouts is active.


TBool HDLayoutActive()[static]

This method checks if an nHD status pane layout is active.


IMPORT_C TBoolIdleLayoutActive()[static]

This method checks if any of "idle" statuspane layouts is active. Also video telephony statuspane is considered as idle layout.


TBool IsActiveIdle()[static]

This method checks if the status pane belongs to active idle.


IMPORT_C TBoolSmallLayoutActive()[static]

This method checks if any of small statuspane layouts is active.


IMPORT_C TBoolStaconPaneActive()[static]

This method checks if statuspane layout is currently a stacon layout. (stacon = combined status & control pane, side softkeys).


IMPORT_C TBoolStaconSoftKeysLeft()[static]

This method checks if statuspane layout is currently a stacon layout which has softkeylabels at the left side of the screen.


IMPORT_C TBoolStaconSoftKeysRight()[static]

This method checks if statuspane layout is currently a stacon layout which has softkeylabels at the right side of the screen.


IMPORT_C TBoolTouchPaneCompatibleLayoutActive()[static]

This method checks if the active statuspane layout is compatible with the touch pane.


IMPORT_C TBoolUsualLayoutActive()[static]

This method checks if any of "usual" statuspane layouts is active.