CLocDrvMountCB Class Reference
class CLocDrvMountCB : public CMountCB |
Local drive specific mount control block.
Inherited Functions |
| CBase::CBase() |
| CBase::Delete(CBase *) |
| CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint) |
| CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint) |
| CBase::~CBase() |
| CFsDispatchObject::CFsDispatchObject() |
| CFsDispatchObject::Close() |
| CFsDispatchObject::Dispatch() |
| CFsDispatchObject::DoInitL(TInt) |
| CFsDispatchObject::DriveNumber()const |
| CFsDispatchObject::IsCorrectThread() |
| CFsDispatchObject::~CFsDispatchObject() |
| CFsObject::CFsObject() |
| CFsObject::Container()const |
| CFsObject::Dec() |
| CFsObject::DoClose() |
| CFsObject::Inc() |
| CFsObject::Name()const |
| CFsObject::Open() |
| CFsObject::SetName(const TDesC *) |
| CFsObject::UniqueID()const |
| CFsObject::~CFsObject() |
| CMountCB::AddToCompositeMount(TInt) |
| CMountCB::CMountCB() |
| CMountCB::CheckDisk() |
| CMountCB::CheckDisk(TInt,TAny *,TAny *) |
| CMountCB::CheckFileSystemMountable() |
| CMountCB::ClampFile(const TInt,const TDesC &,TAny *) |
| CMountCB::ClearPassword(TMediaPassword &) |
| CMountCB::ControlIO(const RMessagePtr2 &,TInt,TAny *,TAny *) |
| CMountCB::DecLock() |
| CMountCB::DeleteL(const TDesC &) |
| CMountCB::DirOpenL(const TDesC &,CDirCB *) |
| CMountCB::Dismounted() |
| CMountCB::Drive()const |
| CMountCB::EntryL(const TDesC &,TEntry &)const |
| CMountCB::ErasePassword() |
| CMountCB::FileOpenL(const TDesC &,TUint,TFileOpen,CFileCB *) |
| CMountCB::FileSystem()const |
| CMountCB::FileSystemClusterSize() |
| CMountCB::FileSystemName(TDes &) |
| CMountCB::FileSystemSubType(TDes &) |
| CMountCB::FinaliseMountL() |
| CMountCB::FinaliseMountL(TInt,TAny *,TAny *) |
| CMountCB::ForceRemountDrive(const TDesC8 *,TInt,TUint) |
| CMountCB::GetCurrentFreeSpaceAvailable(TInt64 &) |
| CMountCB::GetFileUniqueId(const TDesC &,TInt64 &) |
| CMountCB::GetInterface(TInt,TAny *&,TAny *) |
| CMountCB::GetInterfaceTraced(TInt,TAny *&,TAny *) |
| CMountCB::GetLongNameL(const TDesC &,TDes &) |
| CMountCB::GetMaxSupportedFileSize(TUint64 &) |
| CMountCB::GetNotifyUser()const |
| CMountCB::GetShortNameL(const TDesC &,TDes &) |
| CMountCB::IncLock() |
| CMountCB::InitL(TDrive &,CFileSystem *) |
| CMountCB::IsCurrentMount()const |
| CMountCB::IsDismounted()const |
| CMountCB::IsFileClamped(const TInt64) |
| CMountCB::IsFileInRom(const TDesC &,TUint8 *&) |
| CMountCB::IsMountFinalised(TBool &) |
| CMountCB::LocalBufferSupport(CFileCB *) |
| CMountCB::LocalDrive(TBusLocalDrive *&) |
| CMountCB::Lock(TMediaPassword &,TMediaPassword &,TBool) |
| CMountCB::LockStatus()const |
| CMountCB::Locked()const |
| CMountCB::MatchEntryAtt(TUint,TUint)const |
| CMountCB::MkDirL(const TDesC &) |
| CMountCB::MountControl(TInt,TInt,TAny *) |
| CMountCB::MountL(TBool) |
| CMountCB::MountNumber()const |
| CMountCB::MountedVolumeSize(TUint64 &) |
| CMountCB::NoOfClamps() |
| CMountCB::ProxyDrive(CProxyDrive *&) |
| CMountCB::ProxyDriveDismounted() |
| CMountCB::RawReadL(TInt64,TInt,const TAny *,TInt,const RMessagePtr2 &)const |
| CMountCB::RawWriteL(TInt64,TInt,const TAny *,TInt,const RMessagePtr2 &) |
| CMountCB::ReMount() |
| CMountCB::ReadSection64L(const TDesC &,TInt64,TAny *,TInt,const RMessagePtr2 &) |
| CMountCB::ReadSectionL(const TDesC &,TInt,TAny *,TInt,const RMessagePtr2 &) |
| CMountCB::RenameL(const TDesC &,const TDesC &) |
| CMountCB::ReplaceL(const TDesC &,const TDesC &) |
| CMountCB::RequestFreeSpace(TUint64 &) |
| CMountCB::RmDirL(const TDesC &) |
| CMountCB::ScanDrive() |
| CMountCB::ScanDrive(TInt,TAny *,TAny *) |
| CMountCB::SetDiskSpaceChange(TInt64) |
| CMountCB::SetDismounted(TBool) |
| CMountCB::SetDrive(TDrive *) |
| CMountCB::SetEntryL(const TDesC &,const TTime &,TUint,TUint) |
| CMountCB::SetMountNumber(TInt) |
| CMountCB::SetNotifyOff() |
| CMountCB::SetNotifyOn() |
| CMountCB::SetProxyDriveDismounted() |
| CMountCB::SetVolumeL(TDes &) |
| CMountCB::SetVolumeName(HBufC *) |
| CMountCB::Size()const |
| CMountCB::Spare1(TInt,TAny *,TAny *) |
| CMountCB::Spare2(TInt,TAny *,TAny *) |
| CMountCB::Spare3(TInt,TAny *,TAny *) |
| CMountCB::UnclampFile(RFileClamp *) |
| CMountCB::Unlock(TMediaPassword &,TBool) |
| CMountCB::VolumeL(TVolumeInfo &)const |
| CMountCB::VolumeName()const |
| CMountCB::operator!=(const CMountCB &)const |
| CMountCB::~CMountCB() |
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
IMPORT_C | ~CLocDrvMountCB | ( | ) | |
Member Functions Documentation
IMPORT_C TInt | CreateDrive | ( | TInt | aDriveNumber | ) | |
CreateLocalDrive(TBusLocalDrive &)
IMPORT_C void | DismountedLocalDrive | ( | ) | |
IMPORT_C TInt | InitLocalDrive | ( | ) | |
Gets the mounted local drive object
Member Data Documentation
CProxyDrive * iProxyDrive
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