cmapplicationsettingsui.h File Reference

const TInt KErrConnectionNotFound

const TIntKErrConnectionNotFound

CCmApplicationSettingsUi::RunApplicationSettingsL leaves with this error code if the selection dialog would have zero elements caused by filtering out all the Connection Methods with the aFilterArray and not requesting other list elements by the aListItems bitfield. See the comment of the RunApplicationSettingsL method for more detailes. This error code is supported by the error resolver.

Typedef TBearerFilterArray

typedef RArray< TUint32 >TBearerFilterArray

Typedef of the bearer filter array. This type of array is used to filter Connection Methods by bearer types.

The array elements are bearer IDs. The IDs are defined in the bearer type specific cmplugin...def.h files. E.g. the ID of the CSD bearer type (KUidCSDBearerType) can be found in the cmplugincsddef.h header.