Building ROM Tutorial

Describes how to build a ROM that will use demand paging. It assumes that the configuration files have been suitably modified.

This is the final step required to build a ROM that can use Writable Data Paging (WDP). The previous steps required to produce a ROM image that can use Writable Data Paging (WDP) are:

Note: It is assumed that the both the configuration files and the media drivers have been modified to use demand paging.

  1. If the new OBY file appears before base.iby, then no change to the configuration of the rombuild command is needed.

  2. If the new OBY file appears after base.iby, then USE_DATA_PAGING must be defined on the command line (along with PAGED_ROM, USE_CODE_PAGING and CODE_PAGING_FROM_ROFS) USE_DATA_PAGING, PAGED_ROM, USE_CODE_PAGING and CODE_PAGING_FROM_ROFS are macros that are used to indicate which types of paging is to be used. If they are specified in the parameter list for buildrom (with -D in fount of it) then that type of paging will be implemented.

Executing the buildrom command builds the ROM image with no errors or warnings.

buildrom example

An example of a buildrom command that produces a demand paging ROM is: