TCallBack Class Reference

class TCallBack

Encapsulates a general call-back function.

The class encapsulates:

1. a pointer to a function which takes an argument of type TAny* and returns a TInt.

2. a pointer which is passed to the function every time it is called. The pointer can point to any object. It can also be NULL.

The callback function can be a static function of a class, e.g. TInt X::Foo(TAny *) or it can be a function which is not a member of any class, e.g. TInt Foo(TAny *).

When used with the CIdle and the CPeriodic classes, the callback function is intended to be called repeatedly; the encapsulated pointer is passed on each call. Typically, the pointer refers to an object which records the state of the task across each call. When used with CIdle, the callback function should also return a true (non-zero) value if it is intended to be called again, otherwise it should return a false (zero) value.

CIdle CPeriodic

Public Member Functions
TCallBack(TInt(*)(TAny *aPtr))
TCallBack(TInt(*)(TAny *aPtr), TAny *)
TInt CallBack()
Public Attributes
TAny *iPtr

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Default constructor.

Sets the function pointer to Null.

TCallBack(TInt(*)(TAny *aPtr))

TCallBack(TInt(*)(TAny *aPtr)aFunction)[inline]

Constructs the callback object with the specified callback function.


TInt(*)(TAny *aPtr) aFunctionA pointer to the callback function. It takes an argument of type TAny* and returns a TInt. It must be either a static member of a class or a function which is not a member of any class.

TCallBack(TInt(*)(TAny *aPtr), TAny *)

TCallBack(TInt(*)(TAny *aPtr)aFunction,
TAny *aPtr

Constructs the callback object with the specified callback function and a pointer to any object.


TInt(*)(TAny *aPtr) aFunctionA pointer to the callback function. It takes an argument of type TAny* and returns a TInt. It must be either a static member of a class or a function which is not a member of any class.
TAny * aPtrA pointer which is always passed to the callback function.

Member Functions Documentation


TInt CallBack()const [inline]

Calls the callback function.

CIdle CPeriodic

Member Data Documentation

TInt(* iFunction


A pointer to the callback function.

TAny * iPtr

TAny *iPtr

A pointer that is passed to the callback function when the function is called.