Optional RAM Allocation

This section explains about optional RAM allocation.

Optional RAM is commonly used by an application to store data in a cache or keep data in a temporary buffer to improve the performance of the application. Optional RAM is allocated based on the priority assigned to the applications.

Applications can request for optional RAM when additional RAM is required to improve the performance, but the application can still execute the tasks without the optional RAM allocation.

The main purpose of optional RAM is:
  • An application can safely allocate a large amount of optional RAM without the risk of affecting other applications.

  • An application is able to release the optional RAM whenever it is needed for other applications without getting closed. As the application can still run without the optional RAM in limited performance mode.

In order to allow OOM Monitor to release optionally allocated RAM, an application must provide an OOM plug-in. For more information on OOM plug-ins, refer to OOM Plug-ins