TDummyMsvSessionObserver Class Reference

class TDummyMsvSessionObserver : public MMsvSessionObserver

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
voidHandleSessionEventL(TMsvSessionEvent, TAny *, TAny *, TAny *)
Inherited Enumerations

Member Functions Documentation

HandleSessionEventL(TMsvSessionEvent, TAny *, TAny *, TAny *)

TAny *aArg1,
TAny *aArg2,
TAny *aArg3

Indicates an event has occurred.

The type of event is indicated by the value of aEvent. The interpretation of the TAny arguments depends on this type.

For most event types, the action that is taken, for example, updating the display, is client-specific. All clients though should respond to EMsvCloseSession and EMsvServerTerminated events.


TMsvSessionEvent aEventIndicates the event type.
TAny * aArg1Event type-specific argument value
TAny * aArg2Event type-specific argument value
TAny * aArg3Event type-specific argument value