SLocaleData Struct Reference

struct SLocaleData

A data structure containing the system's locale settings. The data must be identical to that in TLocale.

Member Data Documentation

TBool iAmPmSpaceBetween

TBool iAmPmSpaceBetween

Whether or not a space is inserted between the time and the preceding or trailing am/pm text. True if a space exists, False otherwise.

TLocalePos iAmPmSymbolPosition

TLocalePos iAmPmSymbolPosition

Defines whether the am/pm text is located before or after the time.

TClockFormat iClockFormat

TClockFormat iClockFormat

The clock display format as either analog or digital.

TInt iCountryCode

TInt iCountryCode

Integer value specifying country code. The country code is the code used as the international dialling prefix. This code is also used to identify a country by the dialling software.

TInt iCurrencyDecimalPlaces

TInt iCurrencyDecimalPlaces

The number of decimal places to which currency values are set.

TBool iCurrencySpaceBetween

TBool iCurrencySpaceBetween

Whether or not a space is inserted between the currency symbol and the currency value. True if a space exists, False otherwise.

TLocalePos iCurrencySymbolPosition

TLocalePos iCurrencySymbolPosition

The currency symbol is located before or after the currency amount.

TBool iCurrencyTriadsAllowed

TBool iCurrencyTriadsAllowed

Sets whether triads are allowed in currency values. True if Triads are allowed, False otherwise.

TDateFormat iDateFormat

TDateFormat iDateFormat

The date format of the Locale. It can be either of the three formats American,European or Japanese.

TChar iDateSeparator

TChar iDateSeparator

An array containing the four characters used to separate the day, month and year components of the date. If the four separators are represented by S0, S1, S2 and S3 and the three date components are represented by XX, YY and ZZ, then the separators are located: S0 XX S1 YY S2 ZZ S3.

TUint iDaylightSaving

TUint iDaylightSaving

The zones in which daylight saving is in effect.

If daylight saving is in effect, one hour is added to the time.

A bit mask in which the three least significant bits are defined, indicating which of the three daylight saving zones are adjusted for daylight saving. These bits represent: Northern (non-European countries in the northern hemisphere), Southern (southern hemisphere), and European. see TDaylightSavingZone.


TChar iDecimalSeparator

TChar iDecimalSeparator

The character used to separate a whole number from its fractional part.

TDeviceTimeState iDeviceTimeState

TDeviceTimeState iDeviceTimeState

The device time state.

TDigitType iDigitType

TDigitType iDigitType

The number mode stored in the locale.

TUint iExtraNegativeCurrencyFormatFlags

TUint iExtraNegativeCurrencyFormatFlags

Flags for negative currency values formatting.

EFlagNegativeLoseSpace If this flag is set and the currency value being formatted is negative, if there is a space between the currency symbol and the value, that space is lost.

EFlagNegativeCurrencySymbolOpposite If this flag is set and the currency value being formatted is negative, the position of the currency symbol is placed in the opposite direction from the position set for the positive currency value.

TDaylightSavingZone iHomeDaylightSavingZone

TDaylightSavingZone iHomeDaylightSavingZone

The daylight saving zone in which the home city is located.

TUint16 iLanguageDowngrade

TUint16 iLanguageDowngrade

An array which contains customisable part of the language downgrade path.

TNegativeCurrencyFormat iNegativeCurrencyFormat

TNegativeCurrencyFormat iNegativeCurrencyFormat

Indicates how negative currency values are formatted.

TInt iSpare

TInt iSpare

TUint16 iSpare16

TUint16 iSpare16

TDay iStartOfWeek

TDay iStartOfWeek

The day which is considered to be the first day of the week.

The enumerator symbol names correspond with the days of the week, i.e. EMonday refers to Monday etc.

TChar iThousandsSeparator

TChar iThousandsSeparator

The character to be used to separate groups of three digits to the left of the decimal separator. A thousands separator character is only displayed in currency values if currency triads are allowed.

TTimeFormat iTimeFormat

TTimeFormat iTimeFormat

The time formats as either 12 hour or 24 hour.

TChar iTimeSeparator

TChar iTimeSeparator

An array containing the four characters used to separate the hour, second and minute components of the time. If the four separators are represented by S0, S1, S2 and S3 and the three time components are represented by XX, YY and ZZ, then the separators are located: S0 XX S1 YY S2 ZZ S3.

TUnitsFormat iUnitsDistanceLong

TUnitsFormat iUnitsDistanceLong

The units of measurement for long distances.

Long distances are those which would normally be represented by either miles or kilometres.

TUnitsFormat iUnitsDistanceShort

TUnitsFormat iUnitsDistanceShort

The units of measurement for short distances.

Short distances are those which would normally be represented by either metres and centimetres or feet and inches.

TUnitsFormat iUnitsGeneral

TUnitsFormat iUnitsGeneral

The general units of measurement.

This should be used when both short and long distances use the same units of measurement.

TInt iUniversalTimeOffset

TInt iUniversalTimeOffset

The locale's universal time offset. Offset in seconds from universal time. Time zones east of universal time have positive offsets. Time zones west of universal time have negative offsets.

TUint iWorkDays

TUint iWorkDays

A bit mask representing the days of the week which are considered as working days.

A bit mask of seven bits indicating (by being set) which days are workdays. The least significant bit corresponds to Monday, the next bit to Tuesday and so on.