RSaveSession Class Reference
class RSaveSession : public RSessionBase |
This class describes a client side session object, handling requests to the shutdown server.
Inherited Functions |
| RHandleBase::Attributes()const |
| RHandleBase::BTraceId()const |
| RHandleBase::Close() |
| RHandleBase::DoExtendedClose() |
| RHandleBase::Duplicate(const RThread &,TOwnerType) |
| RHandleBase::FullName()const |
| RHandleBase::FullName(TDes &)const |
| RHandleBase::Handle()const |
| RHandleBase::HandleInfo(THandleInfo *) |
| RHandleBase::Name()const |
| RHandleBase::NotifyDestruction(TRequestStatus &) |
| RHandleBase::Open(const TFindHandleBase &,TOwnerType) |
| RHandleBase::OpenByName(const TDesC &,TOwnerType,TInt) |
| RHandleBase::RHandleBase() |
| RHandleBase::RHandleBase(TInt) |
| RHandleBase::SetHandle(TInt) |
| RHandleBase::SetHandleNC(TInt) |
| RSessionBase::CreateSession(RServer2,const TVersion &) |
| RSessionBase::CreateSession(RServer2,const TVersion &,TInt) |
| RSessionBase::CreateSession(RServer2,const TVersion &,TInt,TIpcSessionType,const TSecurityPolicy *,TRequestStatus *) |
| RSessionBase::CreateSession(const TDesC &,const TVersion &) |
| RSessionBase::CreateSession(const TDesC &,const TVersion &,TInt) |
| RSessionBase::CreateSession(const TDesC &,const TVersion &,TInt,TIpcSessionType,const TSecurityPolicy *,TRequestStatus *) |
| RSessionBase::CreateSession(const TDesC &,const TVersion &,TInt,TRequestStatus *) |
| RSessionBase::Open(RMessagePtr2,TInt,TOwnerType) |
| RSessionBase::Open(RMessagePtr2,TInt,const TSecurityPolicy &,TOwnerType) |
| RSessionBase::Open(TInt,TOwnerType) |
| RSessionBase::Open(TInt,const TSecurityPolicy &,TOwnerType) |
| RSessionBase::Send(TInt)const |
| RSessionBase::Send(TInt,const TIpcArgs &)const |
| RSessionBase::SendReceive(TInt)const |
| RSessionBase::SendReceive(TInt,TRequestStatus &)const |
| RSessionBase::SendReceive(TInt,const TIpcArgs &)const |
| RSessionBase::SendReceive(TInt,const TIpcArgs &,TRequestStatus &)const |
| RSessionBase::SetReturnedHandle(TInt) |
| RSessionBase::SetReturnedHandle(TInt,RHandleBase &) |
| RSessionBase::SetReturnedHandle(TInt,const TSecurityPolicy &) |
| RSessionBase::ShareAuto() |
| RSessionBase::ShareProtected() |
Member Functions Documentation
This method will establish the connection with the shutdown server. If the shutdown server is not started yet, it will be started.
NotifySave(TRequestStatus &)
This method sends client's registration request to the shutdown server. This is an asynchronous request. It will be completed by the server later, at the moment of power down/low memory event.
This method sends client's cancel registration request to the shutdown server. This is a synchronous request.
ServerPowerState(TBool &)
With SYSLIBS_TEST macro defined, this method sends a request to query the power state of the server. Otherwise, it returns with KErrNotSupported.
TBool & aPowerOff | The result of the query. Non-zero if the power state of the server is off. |
| StartServerL | ( | ) | [private] |
This method starts the shutdown server.
SwitchOff(MSaveObserver::TSaveType, TBool)
With SYSLIBS_TEST macro defined, this method initiates a powerdown sequence. Otherwise, it returns with KErrNotSupported.
MSaveObserver::TSaveType aAction | The action, which will be given to the clients, when calling their MSaveObserver::SaveL() implementations. |
TBool aPowerOff | Non-zero if you want to switch the power off. |
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