TMsvScheduleSettingsUtils Class Reference
class TMsvScheduleSettingsUtils |
Schedule Send settings utility class.
Provides functionality to load/save Schedule Send settings in Central Repository.
Private Member Enumerations |
enum | TMsvOffPeakSettingsCenRepId { EOffPeakTimesVersionId = 0x00020000, EOffPeakTimesCountId = 0x00020001, EOffPeakTimes = 0x00021000, EOffPeakVersion = 0x00000000, EOffPeakDay = 0x00000001, EOffPeakHour = 0x00000002, EOffPeakMinute = 0x00000003, EOffPeakValidityPeriod = 0x00000004 } |
enum | TMsvScheduleSettingsCenRepId { EScheduleVersionId = 0x00010000, ESchedulePriorityId = 0x00010001, EScheduleValidityPeriodId = 0x00010002, EScheduleIntervalTypeId = 0x00010003, EScheduleLatencyId = 0x00010004, EScheduleLongIntervalId = 0x00010005, EScheduleShortIntervalId = 0x00010006, EScheduleVariableIntervalsCountId = 0x00010007, ESchedulePendingConditionsTimeoutId = 0x00010008, EScheduleVariableIntervals = 0x00011000 } |
enum | TMsvSendErrorActionsCenRepId { ESendErrorActionsVersionId = 0x00030000, ESendErrorActionsCountId = 0x00030001, ESendErrorDefaultAction = 0x00031000, ESendErrorActions = 0x00032000, ESendErrorVersion = 0x00000000, ESendErrorError = 0x00000001, ESendErrorMaxRetries = 0x00000002, ESendErrorRetries = 0x00000003, ESendErrorAction = 0x00000004, ESendErrorRetrySpacing = 0x00000005 } |
enum | TMsvSysAgentActionsCenRepId { ESysAgentActionsVersionId = 0x00040000, ESysAgentActionsCountId = 0x00040001, ESysAgentDefaultSendErrorAction = 0x00041000, ESysAgentActions = 0x00042000, ESysAgentSendErrorActions = 0x00043000, ESysAgentVersion = 0x00000000, ESysAgentVariable = 0x00000001, ESysAgentState = 0x00000002, ESysAgentType = 0x00000003, ESysAgentDefault = 0x00000004 } |
Member Functions Documentation
LoadOffPeakSettingsL(CMsvOffPeakTimes &, CRepository &)
Loads Off Peak Times from CenRep.
LoadScheduleSettingsL(CMsvScheduleSettings &, CRepository &)
Loads Schedule Settings from CenRep.
LoadSendErrorActionL(TUint32, TMsvSendErrorAction &, CRepository &)
Loads a Send Error Action from CenRep.
LoadSendErrorSettingsL(CMsvSendErrorActions &, CRepository &)
Loads Send Error Actions from CenRep.
LoadSysAgentSettingsL(CMsvSysAgentActions &, CRepository &)
Loads System Agent Actions from CenRep.
SaveOffPeakSettingsL(const CMsvOffPeakTimes &, CRepository &)
Saves Off Peak Times to CenRep. This function must be used within a CenRep Transaction.
SaveScheduleSettingsL(const CMsvScheduleSettings &, CRepository &)
Saves Schedule Settings to the Central Repository. This function must be used within a CenRep Transaction.
SaveSendErrorActionL(TUint32, const TMsvSendErrorAction &, CRepository &)
Saves Send Error Action to CenRep. This function must be used within a CenRep Transaction.
SaveSendErrorSettingsL(const CMsvSendErrorActions &, CRepository &)
Saves Send Error Actions to CenRep. This function must be used within a CenRep Transaction.
SaveSysAgentSettingsL(const CMsvSysAgentActions &, CRepository &)
Saves System Agent Actions to CenRep. This function must be used within a CenRep Transaction.
Member Enumerations Documentation
Enum TMsvOffPeakSettingsCenRepId
EOffPeakTimesVersionId = 0x00020000 | |
EOffPeakTimesCountId = 0x00020001 | |
EOffPeakTimes = 0x00021000 | |
EOffPeakVersion = 0x00000000 | |
EOffPeakDay = 0x00000001 | |
EOffPeakHour = 0x00000002 | |
EOffPeakMinute = 0x00000003 | |
EOffPeakValidityPeriod = 0x00000004 | |
Enum TMsvScheduleSendSettingTypes
Schedule Send Setting Types.
CenRep ID 0x10000 to 0x90000 is reserved for Schedule Send Settings.
EScheduleSettings = 0x00010000 | |
EOffPeakTimeSettings = 0x00020000 | |
ESendErrorActionSettings = 0x00030000 | |
ESystemAgentActionSettings = 0x00040000 | |
Enum TMsvScheduleSettingsCenRepId
EScheduleVersionId = 0x00010000 | |
ESchedulePriorityId = 0x00010001 | |
EScheduleValidityPeriodId = 0x00010002 | |
EScheduleIntervalTypeId = 0x00010003 | |
EScheduleLatencyId = 0x00010004 | |
EScheduleLongIntervalId = 0x00010005 | |
EScheduleShortIntervalId = 0x00010006 | |
EScheduleVariableIntervalsCountId = 0x00010007 | |
ESchedulePendingConditionsTimeoutId = 0x00010008 | |
EScheduleVariableIntervals = 0x00011000 | |
Enum TMsvSendErrorActionsCenRepId
ESendErrorActionsVersionId = 0x00030000 | |
ESendErrorActionsCountId = 0x00030001 | |
ESendErrorDefaultAction = 0x00031000 | |
ESendErrorActions = 0x00032000 | |
ESendErrorVersion = 0x00000000 | |
ESendErrorError = 0x00000001 | |
ESendErrorMaxRetries = 0x00000002 | |
ESendErrorRetries = 0x00000003 | |
ESendErrorAction = 0x00000004 | |
ESendErrorRetrySpacing = 0x00000005 | |
Enum TMsvSysAgentActionsCenRepId
ESysAgentActionsVersionId = 0x00040000 | |
ESysAgentActionsCountId = 0x00040001 | |
ESysAgentDefaultSendErrorAction = 0x00041000 | |
ESysAgentActions = 0x00042000 | |
ESysAgentSendErrorActions = 0x00043000 | |
ESysAgentVersion = 0x00000000 | |
ESysAgentVariable = 0x00000001 | |
ESysAgentState = 0x00000002 | |
ESysAgentType = 0x00000003 | |
ESysAgentDefault = 0x00000004 | |
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