TVariantInfoV01 Class Reference

class TVariantInfoV01

Encapsulates Variant specific information.

An object of this type is passed, via a TPckgBuf, to the HAL handler that deals with the HAL group function-id pair:
  • EHalGroupVariant, EVariantHalVariantInfo;

EVariantHalVariantInfo TVariantHalFunction EHalGroupVariant TPckgBuf

Member Data Documentation

TUint iLedCapabilities

TUint iLedCapabilities

The bits that represent the LED capabilities.

NB capabilities in this context does not mean security capabilities.

SInt64 iMachineUniqueId

SInt64 iMachineUniqueId

The Id that uniquely identifies the device.

TInt iProcessorClockInKHz

TInt iProcessorClockInKHz

The processor clock speed.

TVersion iRomVersion

TVersion iRomVersion

The ROM version.

TInt iSpeedFactor

TInt iSpeedFactor

The speed factor.