MMsgStoreObserver Class Reference

class MMsgStoreObserver

This class defines the message store observation API.

This class defines the abstract interface for the message store observer.

Member Functions Documentation

AccountEventNotify(TMsgStoreAccountEvent, TInt32, const TDesC &, const TDesC &, TMsgStoreId)

const TDesC &aName,
const TDesC &aNewName,
)[pure virtual]

Notifies the observer of account events.

Note that the observer will not be notified of modifications that are performed from the observer's own message store session.

/param aEvent - the type of event /param aOwnerId - the owner ID of the account /param aName - the name of the account /param aNewName - the new account name if aEvent is EMsgStoreAccountRenamed
  • KNullDesC otherwise /param aMailboxId - the ID of the mailbox


TMsgStoreAccountEvent aEvent
TInt32 aOwnerId
const TDesC & aName
const TDesC & aNewName
TMsgStoreId aMailboxId


voidSystemEventNotify(TMsgStoreSystemEventaEvent)[pure virtual]

Notifies the observer of system events.


TMsgStoreSystemEvent aEvent