CCalenLocationUtil Class Reference

class CCalenLocationUtil : public CBase

Inherits from

Member Functions Documentation


TBool IsMapProviderAvailableL()[static]

API to tell claendar modules if Nokia maps provider is available in the device or not.

ShowLocationAppendOrReplaceL(RPointerArray< HBufC > &)

TInt ShowLocationAppendOrReplaceL(RPointerArray< HBufC > &aStrings)[static]

Utility function to display list query with three strings. This function will be used when user selects a map location when there is already some invalidated location for the event. First string will be a combination of lod text and newly selected map locaiton. Second string will be newly selected map location. Third strign will be old invalidated text.

aStrings Array of three strings.


RPointerArray< HBufC > & aStrings