Getting the Size of a Large File using TEntry

Describes how to get the size of a large file through the directory entry class.

TEntry::FileSize() returns a 64-bit file size. TEntry::FileSize() replaces the function TEntry::iSize() as iSize() cannot represent a file size beyond 2GB-1 (if treated as a signed int) or beyond 4GB-1 (if treated as an unsigned int).

Replace calls to TEntry::iSize() with TEntry::FileSize() for large files.

Use TEntry::FileSize() instead of TEntry::iSize() for large files and replace the return variable of type TInt with a TInt64.
TInt r;
TEntry myFileEntry;
RFs TheFs;
TFileName myFileName;
r = TheFs.Entry(myFileName, myFileEntry);
// TInt size = myFileEntry.iSize;
TInt64 size = myFileEntry.FileSize();