TSmtpAccount Class Reference

class TSmtpAccount

SMTP account ID.

Objects of this type identify SMTP email accounts. They are obtained when a SMTP account is created (CEmailAccounts::CreateSmtpAccountL()), or by querying for what SMTP accounts exist (CEmailAccounts::GetSmtpAccountL() and CEmailAccounts::GetISmtpAccountsL()).

The object is then used as a handle to the account when getting the account settings, using CEmailAccounts::LoadSmtpSettingsL() and CEmailAccounts::LoadSmtpIapSettingsL().

Member Data Documentation

TMsvId iRelatedService

TMsvId iRelatedService

Entry ID of the related POP or IMAP service for this account.

An SMTP service (which provides email sending functionality) is used in conjunction with a POP or IMAP service (which provide email retrieval).

TSmtpAccountId iSmtpAccountId

TSmtpAccountId iSmtpAccountId

SMTP account identifier number.

TBuf< KEmailAccountNameSize > iSmtpAccountName

TBuf< KEmailAccountNameSize >iSmtpAccountName

SMTP account name

TMsvId iSmtpService

TMsvId iSmtpService

Entry ID of the SMTP service for this account.