TTickCountQue Class Reference

class TTickCountQue : public TDblQueBase

A class that provides the behaviour for managing a doubly linked list in which elements are added in order of the time until their tick count.

A common use for a list of this type is as a queue of timed events, where the tick counts are the expiry times of the events.

The tick count is defined by the value of the TTickCountQueLink::iTickCount member of the link element.

TTickCountQueLink TTickCountQueLink::iTickCount

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Constructs an empty list header

Member Functions Documentation

Add(TTickCountQueLink &)

voidAdd(TTickCountQueLink &aRef)

Adds the specified list element.

The element is added into the list in order of its tick count.


TTickCountQueLink & aRefThe list element to be inserted.


TTickCountQueLink *First()const

Gets a pointer to the first list element in the doubly linked list.


TTickCountQueLink *RemoveFirst()

Removes the first list element from the linked list, if any.


TTickCountQueLink *RemoveFirst(TUintaTickCount)

Removes the first list element from the linked list if its tick count is prior to the current tick count.


TUint aTickCountThe current tick count.