Basic encryption and decryption using a symmetric cipher

This example demonstrates how to encrypt and decrypt a small string of data using a symmetric cipher. Firstly, an encryption operation is performed on the data. Following this a decryption operation is performed on the encrypted data. Finally a check is made on the decrypted data for equality with the original data which tests that the encrypt and decrypt operations have maintained data integrity.

#include <legacyselector.h>
#include <cryptosymmetriccipherapi.h>
#include <keys.h>

using namespace CryptoSpi;

//Create a new CCryptoParams object to encapsulate the secret key string and key type
CCryptoParams* params = CCryptoParams::NewLC(); 

//Add the secret key to the CCryptoParams object by calling the CCryptoParams::AddL() method,  
//passing in the key string and appropriate key parameter UID
params->AddL( _L8("12345678"), KSymmetricKeyParameterUid);

//Create a key object (CKey) by passing in an instance of TKeyProperty and the previously 
//created CCryptoParams object containing the secret key. 
TKeyProperty keyProperty = {KDesUid, KNullUid, KSymmetricKey, KNonEmbeddedKeyUid};
CKey* key=CKey::NewL(keyProperty, *params); 
//Create and initialize a pointer for the Symmetric cipher implementation object
CSymmetricCipher* impl = NULL;    

//Create a symmetric cipher passing in the appropriate CKey object
TRAPD(err, CSymmetricCipherFactory::CreateSymmetricCipherL
    KCryptoModeEncryptUid,  // This can be either encrypt or decrypt
    KOperationModeECBUid,   // Use "electronic code book" mode
    KPaddingModeNoneUid,   // This is the type of padding to be used

//Check the return value and for non NULL
if (impl && (err == KErrNone))
    //Create a buffer holding the data to be encrypted
    TBuf8<8> srcData(_L8("12345678"));
    //Create a buffer to hold the encrypted data.
    //MaxFinalOutputLength() returns the number of bytes the buffer passed to ProcessFinalL()
    //needs to be capable of holding
    TInt maxOutputLength = impl->MaxFinalOutputLength(srcData.Length());
    HBufC8* encrypted =    HBufC8::NewLC(maxOutputLength);
    TPtr8 encryptedPtr = encrypted->Des();

    //Perform the encryption operation 
    //ProcessFinalL() pads the input buffer if required
    TRAP(err, impl->ProcessFinalL(srcData, encryptedPtr));

    if (err == KErrNone)
        //Switch to decrypt mode
        //Create a buffer for the decrypted data
        maxOutputLength = encryptedPtr.Length();
        HBufC8* output = HBufC8::NewLC(impl->MaxFinalOutputLength(maxOutputLength));
        TPtr8 outputPtr = output->Des();
        //Perform the decryption operation
        TRAP(err, impl->ProcessFinalL(encryptedPtr, outputPtr));

    if (err == KErrNone)
            //Check that the original source data matches the data that 
            //has been encrypted then decrypted
            if (!outputPtr.Compare(srcData))
                // Descriptors are the same - successful encrypt/decrypt check



//Destroy the symmetric implementation object    
delete impl;
impl = NULL;
