The SIP System State Monitor ECOM plug-in must implement the following virtual functions defined in abstract base class CSIPSystemStateMonitor found in sipsystemstatemonitor.h file to access the SIP stack:
TSystemState State() const - This function returns the system state value.
void StartMonitoringL(TSystemVariable aVariable, TInt aObjectId, MSipSystemStateObserver& aObserver) - This function starts to monitor the system state or SNAP availability events. Parameter aObjectId is valid when aVariable has value CSIPSystemStateMonitor::ESnapAvailability. It is the SNAP ID that is monitored.
void StopMonitoring(TSystemVariable aVariable, TInt aObjectId, MSipSystemStateObserver& aObserver) - This function stops monitoring the system state or SNAP availability events. Parameter aObjectId is valid when aVariable has value CSIPSystemStateMonitor::ESnapAvailability. It is the SNAP ID that is monitored.
TInt CurrentValue(TSystemVariable aVariable, TInt aObjectId) const - This function returns the value of a system variable. Parameter aObjectId is valid when aVariable has value CSIPSystemStateMonitor::ESnapAvailability. It is the SNAP ID that is monitored.
The TSystemVariable for the preceding functions can have one of the following values:
Symbian SIP implements a callback when you call MSipSystemStateObserver::SystemVariableUpdated to receive system state and SNAP availability events. SIP System State Monitor ECOM plug-in implementation must call these functions when the value of a monitored system variable changes.
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