TAndRClasses: typical ‘T’ and ‘R’ type classes


TAndRClasses shows a typical ‘T’ class and a typical ‘R’ class.

The ‘T’ type is a value type, owning no external object.

The ‘R’ type is a resource type; typically this is proxy for an object owned elsewhere. In practice, the 'R' type is a handle to a resource owned and managed by the Kernel.

In this example, the ‘R’ class derives from the standard Symbian platform handle class RTimer.


Click on the following link to download the example: TAndRClasses.zip

Click on the following link to download additional files: CommonFramework.zip

Click browse TAndRClasses to view the example code.

Click CommonFramework to view additional files.


The example includes the two project files needed for building: bld.inf and the .mmp file.

The Symbian platform build process describes how to build this application, which results in an executable called:

\epoc32\release\<target>\<urel or udeb>\TANDRCLASSES.EXE.


Run the executable TANDRCLASSES.EXE.

Executables for the emulator targets wins and winscw can be run on your PC. Executables for ARM targets must be copied to your target platform before being run.