const TInt | KErrWlanInternalError |
A failure inside WLAN subsystem has occurred. Typically caused by an unexpected WLAN HW event.
const TInt | KErrWlanOpenAuthFailed |
WLAN AP has refused 802.11 open system authentication.
const TInt | KErrWlanSharedKeyAuthRequired |
WLAN AP requires 802.11 shared key authentication.
const TInt | KErrWlanSharedKeyAuthFailed |
802.11 shared key authentication has failed.
Most likely caused by misconfigured WEP keys either in the IAP settings or the WLAN AP.
const TInt | KErrWlanWpaAuthRequired |
WLAN AP requires Wi-Fi Protected Access security but the IAP doesn't have matching settings.
const TInt | KErrWlanWpaAuthFailed |
Wi-Fi Protected Access authentication has failed.
const TInt | KErrWlan802dot1xAuthFailed |
Legacy 802.1x authentication has failed.
const TInt | KErrWlanIllegalWpaPskKey |
Wi-Fi Protected Access authentication w/ a preshared key has failed.
Most likely caused by a misconfigured preshared key either in the IAP settings or the WLAN AP.
const TInt | KErrWlanWpaCounterMeasuresActive |
Wi-Fi Protected Access connections are not allowed as countermeasures are active due to MIC failures.
The countermeasures are active for 60 seconds after having been started.
const TInt | KErrWlanNetworkNotFound |
No WLAN APs matching the IAP settings have been found.
const TInt | KErrWlanIllegalEncryptionKeys |
The IAP has an illegal key WEP key configuration.
const TInt | KErrWlanRoamingFailed |
Roaming between WLAN APs has failed irreversibly.
const TInt | KErrWlanNetworkLost |
Connection to the WLAN network has unexpectedly been lost.
const TInt | KErrWlanPskModeRequired |
WLAN AP requires Wi-Fi Protected Access authentication w/ a preshared key.
const TInt | KErrWlanEapModeRequired |
WLAN AP requires Wi-Fi Protected Access authentication w/ EAP.
const TInt | KErrWlanEapPeapFailed |
EAP-PEAP authentication has failed.
const TInt | KErrWlanEapMsChapv2 |
EAP-MSCHAPv2 authentication has failed.
const TInt | KErrWlanEapTtlsFailed |
EAP-TTLS authentication has failed.
const TInt | KErrWlanSimNotInstalled |
EAP-SIM/EAP-AKA authentication has failed due to a missing SIM card.
const TInt | KErrWlanNotSubscribed |
EAP-SIM/EAP-AKA authentication has failed due to missing service subscription.
const TInt | KErrWlanAccessBarred |
EAP-SIM/EAP-AKA authentication has failed due to user being barred from the service.
const TInt | KErrWlanPasswordExpired |
EAP-MSCHAPv2 authentication has failed due to expired password.
const TInt | KErrWlanNoDialinPermissions |
EAP-MSCHAPv2 authentication has failed due to permissions.
const TInt | KErrWlanAccountDisabled |
EAP-MSCHAPv2 authentication has failed due to disabled account.
const TInt | KErrWlanRestrictedLogonHours |
EAP-MSCHAPv2 authentication has failed due to restricted logon hours.
const TInt | KErrWlanServerCertificateExpired |
EAP authentication using certificates failed due to an expired certificate.
const TInt | KErrWlanCerficateVerifyFailed |
EAP authentication using certificates failed due to a certificate that couldn't be verified.
const TInt | KErrWlanNoUserCertificate |
EAP authentication using certificates failed due to a missing user certificate.
const TInt | KErrWlanNoCipherSuite |
EAP authentication using certificates failed due to a mismatching certificate configuration.
const TInt | KErrWlanUserRejected |
EAP authentication using certificates failed due to the server not accepting the user certificate.
const TInt | KErrWlanUserCertificateExpired |
EAP authentication using certificates failed due to an expired user certificate.
const TInt | KErrWlanConnAlreadyActive |
WLAN connection could not be started because one is already active.
const TInt | KErrWlanWpa2OnlyModeNotSupported |
WLAN AP doesn't support "Wi-Fi Protected Access 2"-only mode.
const TInt | KErrWlanEapFastTunnelCompromiseError |
Phone detected some suspicious network behavior and it thinks that it is not safe to continue.
const TInt | KErrWlanEapFastUnexpextedTlvExhanged |
The received message does not fit the current state of the phone.
const TInt | KErrWlanEapFastNoPacNorCertsToAuthenticateWithProvDisabled |
No credentials found and provisioning disabled. Perform provisioning first.
const TInt | KErrWlanEapFastNoMatchingPacForAid |
PAC store does not contain a PAC matching the current server, requires provisioning first.
const TInt | KErrWlanEapFastAuthFailed |
EAP-FAST authentication failed.
const TInt | KErrWlanEapFastPacStoreCorrupted |
PAC store corrupted. Reset PAC store and perform provisioning again.
const TInt | KErrWlanProtectedSetupOOBInterfaceReadError |
Wi-Fi Protected Setup failed due to out-of-band configuration error.
const TInt | KErrWlanProtectedSetupDecryptionCRCFailure |
Wi-Fi Protected Setup failed due to decryption error during operation.
const TInt | KErrWlanProtectedSetup2_4ChannelNotSupported |
Wi-Fi Protected Setup failed due to a invalid channel.
const TInt | KErrWlanProtectedSetup5_0ChannelNotSupported |
Wi-Fi Protected Setup failed due to a invalid channel.
const TInt | KErrWlanSignalTooWeak |
Wi-Fi Protected Setup could not be completed due to low signal level.
const TInt | KErrWlanProtectedSetupNetworkAuthFailure |
Wi-Fi Protected Setup failed due to network authentication failure.
const TInt | KErrWlanProtectedSetupNetworkAssociationFailure |
Wi-Fi Protected Setup failed due to failed association attempt.
const TInt | KErrWlanProtectedSetupNoDHCPResponse |
Wi-Fi Protected Setup failed due to missing DHCP response.
const TInt | KErrWlanProtectedSetupFailedDHCPConfig |
Wi-Fi Protected Setup failed due to failed DHCP configuration.
const TInt | KErrWlanProtectedSetupIPAddressConflict |
Wi-Fi Protected Setup failed due to detected IP address conflict.
const TInt | KErrWlanProtectedSetupCouldNotConnectToRegistrar |
WLAN AP was unable to connect to the registrar.
const TInt | KErrWlanProtectedSetupMultiplePBCSessionsDetected |
Multiple push-button sessions were detected.
const TInt | KErrWlanProtectedSetupRogueActivitySuspected |
Multiple overlapping session were detected.
const TInt | KErrWlanProtectedSetupDeviceBusy |
WLAN AP was unable to respond to the Wi-Fi Protected Setup request.
const TInt | KErrWlanProtectedSetupSetupLocked |
Wi-Fi Protected Setup cannot be started because WLAN AP configuration is locked.
const TInt | KErrWlanProtectedSetupMessageTimeout |
Wi-Fi Protected Setup failed due to a timeout.
const TInt | KErrWlanProtectedSetupRegistrationSessionTimeout |
Wi-Fi Protected Setup failed due to a timeout.
const TInt | KErrWlanProtectedSetupDevicePasswordAuthFailure |
Wi-Fi Protected Setup failed password authentication failure.
const TInt | KErrWlanProtectedSetupPINMethodNotSupported |
WLAN AP does not support PIN code mechanism.
const TInt | KErrWlanProtectedSetupPBMethodNotSupported |
WLAN AP does not support push-button mechanism.
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