MPbk2AiwInterestItem Class Reference

class MPbk2AiwInterestItem

Phonebook 2 AIW interest item interface.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


~MPbk2AiwInterestItem()[inline, virtual]


Member Functions Documentation

AttachL(const TInt, const TInt, const TBool)

voidAttachL(const TIntaMenuResourceId,
const TIntaInterestResourceId,
const TBoolaAttachBaseServiceInterest
)[pure virtual]

Attaches an AIW interest resource to given menu resource.


const TInt aMenuResourceIdMenu pane resource id.
const TInt aInterestResourceIdInterest resource id.
const TBool aAttachBaseServiceInterestIf ETrue, attaches also AIW base service.

DynInitMenuPaneL(const TInt, CEikMenuPane &, const MPbk2ContactUiControl &)

TBool DynInitMenuPaneL(const TIntaResourceId,
CEikMenuPane &aMenuPane,
const MPbk2ContactUiControl &aControl
)[pure virtual]

Initializes the menu pane.


const TInt aResourceIdMenu pane resource id.
CEikMenuPane & aMenuPaneMenupane.
const MPbk2ContactUiControl & aControlContact UI control.

HandleCommandL(const TInt, MPbk2ContactUiControl &, TInt)

TBool HandleCommandL(const TIntaMenuCommandId,
MPbk2ContactUiControl &aControl,
)[pure virtual]

Handles menu and base commands. NOTE: Fill in parameter aServiceCommandId only if the function is not called after menu item selection (when AIW base services are used).


const TInt aMenuCommandIdId of the selected menu item.
MPbk2ContactUiControl & aControlUI control.
TInt aServiceCommandIdNormally fetched from AIW framework based on supplied menu command id, but must be filled manually if command is to be called without a menu item command activation.


TInt InterestId()const [pure virtual]

Returns the interest id.