Command Line Kernel Trace Tool Overview

This document provides an overview of the command line kernel trace tool.


The command line kernel trace tool is a command line tool for extracting trace data from a device.

Intended audience

This document is intended to be used by Symbian platform licensees and third party application developers.

Command line Kernel Trace tool library details

The DLL that provides the functionality and the library to which your code must link is identified below.

DLL LIB Short Description



A command line tool to extract trace data.

Architectural relationship

The command line kernel trace tool is a command line interface to the traces generated by the BTrace framework. It uses an RBTrace object to create and extract trace data.


The command line kernel trace tool writes trace data to a file or port.

Writing data to a file or port

You write trace data to a file or port as explained in the Kernel Trace Tool Tutorial.

Key command line Kernel Trace tool classes

The command line kernel trace tool uses the classes of BTraceC and does not contain any classes of its own.

Using command line Kernel Trace tool

The command line kernel trace tool is a command line tool. You access it from the command line of an emulator: the commands are explained in Command Line Kernel Trace Tool Tutorial. You use it to output trace data to a file or port of your choosing to analyze in whatever way suits you.