Variant Specific Startup Overview

This overview briefly describes the variant specific startup utility.


The variant specific startup utility is the first part of the kernel to run.

Variant specific startup library details

The DLL that provides the functionality and the library to which your code must link is identified below.

DLL LIB Short description



Variant specific startup utility.


The variant specific startup utility is the first part of the kernel that runs. It runs right after the bootstrap.

kc_exe.lib is built as a separate library and then linked in so that it is run at the very beginning of ekern.exe.

kc_exe.lib contains:

  • ROM header address passed in by bootstrap

  • super page address passed in by bootstrap.

Using the variant specific startup library

The DLL is made up of these template files:

  • k_entry.cpp

  • k_entry.cia

These can be found in the directory template\template_variant\specific\.

The source files in the template_assp folder are quite well commented and should provide ample information on usage.