This section describes the steps to enable MTP over USB using the Symbian USB Manager.
The USB Manager provides functions to enable MTP over USB.
RUsb usb; TInt err = usb.Connect(); if( err != KErrNone) { // Error in connecting with the USB Manager } // Find the personality that supports MTP USB SIC TInt personalityId(KErrNotFound); RArray<TInt> personalityIds; err = usb.GetPersonalityIds(personalityIds); if ( err != KErrNone) { // Error handling } TInt count = personalityIds.Count(); for (TInt i(0); i < count; i++) { TBool supported(EFalse); err = usb.ClassSupported(personalityIds[i], KUsbMTPUsbSicClassControllerUID, supported); if (err != KErrNone) { // Error handling } if (supported) { personalityId = personalityIds[i]; break; } } personalityIds.Close(); if (personalityId != KErrNotFound) { TRequestStatus status ; usb.TryStart(personalityId, status); User::WaitForRequest(status); if(status.Int() != KErrNone) { // Error in trying to start the MTP service } } ... usb.Close();
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