examples/PIPS/opencmessagequeuelibraryex/engine/inc/msgqinternal.h File Reference

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struct  MsgQInfo
struct  MsgQInfoList


typedef struct MsgQInfoMSGQ_INFO_PTR
typedef struct MsgQInfo MSGQ_INFO
typedef struct MsgQInfoListMSGQ_INFO_LIST_PTR
typedef struct MsgQInfoList MSGQ_INFO_LIST


int InstallMsqQTable (ULONG qName, int qId, int semId, int *err)
void AddToMsgQTable (ULONG qName)
int RemoveFromMsqQTable (ULONG qName, int *err)
void DeleteFromMsgQTable (ULONG qName)
MSGQ_INFOMsgQTableLookup (ULONG qName)

Detailed Description

Description: Internal Header file for MsgQLib Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation. This material, including documentation and any related computer programs, is protected by copyright controlled by Nokia Corporation.

Definition in file msgqinternal.h.

Generated by  doxygen 1.6.2