00001 // Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 00002 // All rights reserved. 00003 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available 00004 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" 00005 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available 00006 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". 00007 // 00008 // Initial Contributors: 00009 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. 00010 // 00011 // Contributors: 00012 // 00013 // Description: 00014 // 00015 00016 #include "searchsortexample.h" 00017 #include "mAsyncWaiter.h" 00018 #include <msvsearchsortoperation.h> 00019 00020 void CSearchsortExample::HandleSessionEventL(TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, TAny*, TAny*, TAny*) 00021 { 00022 00023 switch (aEvent) 00024 { 00025 case MMsvSessionObserver::EMsvServerReady: 00026 break; 00027 case MMsvSessionObserver::EMsvEntriesCreated: 00028 break; 00029 default: 00030 break; 00031 } 00032 } 00033 00038 CSearchsortExample* CSearchsortExample::NewL() 00039 { 00040 CSearchsortExample* self=new(ELeave)CSearchsortExample; 00041 CleanupStack::PushL(self); 00042 self->ConstructL(); 00043 CleanupStack::Pop(); 00044 return self; 00045 } 00049 CSearchsortExample::CSearchsortExample() 00050 { 00051 } 00052 00053 void CSearchsortExample::ConstructL() 00054 { 00055 } 00056 00060 CSearchsortExample::~ CSearchsortExample() 00061 { 00062 if(iMtm) 00063 { 00064 delete iMtm; 00065 iMtm = NULL; 00066 } 00067 if(iClientRegistry) 00068 { 00069 delete iClientRegistry; 00070 iClientRegistry = NULL; 00071 } 00072 if(iSearch) 00073 { 00074 delete iSearch; 00075 iSearch = NULL; 00076 } 00077 if(iSession) 00078 { 00079 delete iSession; 00080 iSession = NULL; 00081 } 00082 00083 iQueryIdTable.Close(); 00084 iTResultSummary.Close(); 00085 00086 } 00087 00088 00094 void CSearchsortExample::CreateClientRegistryL() 00095 { 00096 //Creates a session with message server. 00097 iSession = CMsvSession::OpenAsyncL(*this); 00098 CleanupStack::PushL(iSession); 00099 00100 iSearch = CMsvSearchSortOperation::NewL(*iSession); 00101 CleanupStack::PushL(iSearch); 00102 00103 // Create a client-side MTM registry. 00104 iClientRegistry = CClientMtmRegistry::NewL(*iSession,KMsvDefaultTimeoutMicroSeconds32); 00105 if (iClientRegistry != NULL && iClientRegistry->IsPresent(KUidMsgTypePOP3)) 00106 { 00107 CleanupStack::PushL(iClientRegistry); 00108 } 00109 // Create a Client-side MTM object for the specified MTM UID. 00110 iMtm = (CPop3ClientMtm*)iClientRegistry->NewMtmL(KUidMsgTypePOP3); 00111 00112 CleanupStack::Pop(3,iSession); //iClientRegistry,iSession,iSearch. 00113 } 00114 00121 void CSearchsortExample::CreatePopAndSmtpAccountL() 00122 { 00123 CEmailAccounts* emailAccounts = CEmailAccounts::NewLC(); 00124 CImPop3Settings* settings = new(ELeave) CImPop3Settings(); 00125 CleanupStack::PushL(settings); 00126 00127 CImIAPPreferences* popIAP = CImIAPPreferences::NewLC(); 00128 00129 // Set the server address to system address. 00130 settings->SetServerAddressL(KPopServer); 00131 settings->SetLoginNameL(KPopLoginName); 00132 settings->SetPasswordL(KPopPassword); 00133 settings->SetPort(KPortValue); 00134 00135 // Create a Pop account. 00136 iPopAccount = emailAccounts->CreatePopAccountL(KTxtAccountName, *settings,*popIAP,EFalse); 00137 00138 CImSmtpSettings *smtpSettings = new (ELeave) CImSmtpSettings(); 00139 CleanupStack::PushL(smtpSettings); 00140 00141 emailAccounts->PopulateDefaultSmtpSettingsL(*smtpSettings, *popIAP); 00142 00143 // Create an Smtp acoount. 00144 iSmtpAccount = emailAccounts->CreateSmtpAccountL(iPopAccount, *smtpSettings, *popIAP, EFalse); 00145 00146 emailAccounts->SetDefaultSmtpAccountL(iSmtpAccount); 00147 00148 smtpSettings->SetServerAddressL(KSmtpServerAddress); 00149 smtpSettings->SetEmailAliasL(KEmailAlias); 00150 smtpSettings->SetEmailAddressL(KSmtpEmailAddress); 00151 smtpSettings->SetReplyToAddressL(KSmtpEmailAddress); 00152 smtpSettings->SetReceiptAddressL(KSmtpEmailAddress); 00153 smtpSettings->SetPort(KSmtpPortValue); 00154 00155 // Add IAP to the IAP preferences. 00156 CImIAPPreferences* prefs = CImIAPPreferences::NewLC(); 00157 TImIAPChoice iap; 00158 TInt iapID = 0; 00159 CMDBSession* dbSession = CMDBSession::NewL(KCDVersion1_1); 00160 CleanupStack::PushL(dbSession); 00161 CCDConnectionPrefsRecord *connPrefRecord = static_cast<CCDConnectionPrefsRecord*>(CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL(KCDTIdConnectionPrefsRecord)); 00162 CleanupStack::PushL(connPrefRecord); 00163 00164 // Set the direction of connection. 00165 connPrefRecord->iDirection = ECommDbConnectionDirectionOutgoing; 00166 connPrefRecord->iRanking = 1; 00167 if(!connPrefRecord->FindL(*dbSession)) 00168 { 00169 User::Leave(KErrNotFound); 00170 } 00171 iapID = connPrefRecord->iDefaultIAP; 00172 iap.iIAP = iapID; 00173 iap.iDialogPref = ECommDbDialogPrefDoNotPrompt; 00174 prefs->AddIAPL(iap); 00175 00176 emailAccounts->GetSmtpAccountL(iSmtpAccount.iSmtpService, iSmtpAccount); 00177 emailAccounts->SaveSmtpSettingsL(iSmtpAccount,*smtpSettings); 00178 emailAccounts->SaveSmtpIapSettingsL(iSmtpAccount, *prefs); 00179 00180 //Deleting the message entries if they exist for resetting. 00181 DeleteSmtpMessageL(); 00182 //connPrefRecord, dbSession, prefs, smtpSettings, popIAP, settings, emailAccounts. 00183 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(7,emailAccounts); 00184 } 00185 00190 void CSearchsortExample::CreateSmtpMessageL(TInt aindex,TDes& aFrominfo,TDes& aToinfo,TDes& aSubjectinfo) 00191 { 00192 00193 TMsvId inboxId = KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId; 00194 00195 // Set the context to the folder in which message has to be created. 00196 CMsvEntry* entry = CMsvEntry::NewL(*iSession,inboxId,TMsvSelectionOrdering()); 00197 CleanupStack::PushL(entry); 00198 entry->SetEntryL(inboxId); 00199 00200 CMessAsyncWaiter* waiter = CMessAsyncWaiter::NewL(); 00201 CleanupStack::PushL(waiter); 00202 00203 TMsvEmailTypeList msvEmailTypeList = 0; 00204 TMsvPartList partList = (KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments|KMsvMessagePartTo|KMsvMessagePartFrom|KMsvMessagePartSubject); 00205 00206 CImEmailOperation* emailOperation = CImEmailOperation::CreateNewL(waiter->iStatus, *iSession,KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId, partList, msvEmailTypeList, KUidMsgTypeSMTP); 00207 CleanupStack::PushL(emailOperation); 00208 waiter->StartAndWait(); 00209 00210 TMsvId temp; 00211 TPckgC<TMsvId> paramPack(temp); 00212 const TDesC8& progBuf = emailOperation->ProgressL(); 00213 00214 paramPack.Set(progBuf); 00215 TMsvId newMessageId; 00216 newMessageId = paramPack(); 00217 00218 00219 entry->SetEntryL(newMessageId); 00220 00221 CMsvStore* store = entry->EditStoreL(); 00222 CleanupStack::PushL(store); 00223 00224 //Setting the Header for message entry. 00225 CImHeader* emailEntry = CImHeader::NewLC(); 00226 emailEntry->RestoreL(*store); 00227 00228 //Setting the Header according to the message entry count. 00229 switch(aindex) 00230 { 00231 case 0: 00232 { 00233 emailEntry->SetFromL((TDesC8&)KFrom1); 00234 emailEntry->SetSubjectL((TDesC&)KSubject1); 00235 emailEntry->ToRecipients().AppendL((TDesC&)KTo1); 00236 aToinfo.Copy(KTo1); 00237 } 00238 break; 00239 case 1: 00240 { 00241 emailEntry->SetFromL((TDesC8&)KFrom2); 00242 emailEntry->SetSubjectL((TDesC&)KSubject2); 00243 emailEntry->ToRecipients().AppendL((TDesC&)KTo2); 00244 aToinfo.Copy(KTo2); 00245 } 00246 break; 00247 case 2: 00248 { 00249 emailEntry->SetFromL((TDesC8&)KFrom3); 00250 emailEntry->SetSubjectL((TDesC&)KSubject3); 00251 emailEntry->ToRecipients().AppendL((TDesC&)KTo3); 00252 aToinfo.Copy(KTo3); 00253 } 00254 break; 00255 case 3: 00256 { 00257 emailEntry->SetFromL((TDesC8&)KFrom4); 00258 emailEntry->SetSubjectL((TDesC&)KSubject4); 00259 emailEntry->ToRecipients().AppendL((TDesC&)KTo4); 00260 aToinfo.Copy(KTo4); 00261 } 00262 break; 00263 case 4: 00264 { 00265 emailEntry->SetFromL((TDesC8&)KFrom5); 00266 emailEntry->SetSubjectL((TDesC&)KSubject5); 00267 emailEntry->ToRecipients().AppendL((TDesC&)KTo5); 00268 aToinfo.Copy(KTo5); 00269 } 00270 break; 00271 default: 00272 break; 00273 } 00274 00275 aFrominfo.Copy(emailEntry->From()); 00276 aSubjectinfo.Copy(emailEntry->Subject()); 00277 00278 // Paragraph format layer for the rich text object. 00279 CParaFormatLayer* paraFormatLayer = CParaFormatLayer::NewL(); 00280 CleanupStack::PushL(paraFormatLayer); 00281 // Character format layer for the rich text object. 00282 CCharFormatLayer* charFormatLayer = CCharFormatLayer::NewL(); 00283 CleanupStack::PushL(charFormatLayer); 00284 00285 CRichText* bodyText = CRichText::NewL(paraFormatLayer, charFormatLayer, CEditableText::EFlatStorage, 256); 00286 CleanupStack::PushL(bodyText); 00287 00288 // Inserts the contents of a buffer into the document at specified position. 00289 bodyText->InsertL(0, KBodyContents); 00290 store->StoreBodyTextL(*bodyText); 00291 emailEntry->StoreL(*store); 00292 // Store the changes permanently. 00293 store->CommitL(); 00294 00295 // bodyText, charFormatLayer, paraFormatLayer, emailEntry, store, emailOperation, waiter, entry. 00296 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(8,entry); 00297 } 00298 00299 00303 void CSearchsortExample::SearchSortRequestWithoutIteratorL(TDes& aSearchtext,TBool aCaseSensitivity,TBool aWholeWordSearch,TBool aCombinedSearch,TInt& aResultCount) 00304 { 00305 00306 //CMessAsyncWaiter for async request. 00307 CMessAsyncWaiter* waiter = CMessAsyncWaiter::NewL(); 00308 CleanupStack::PushL(waiter); 00309 00310 //Create instance of CMsvSearchSortQuery to create a search-sort query. 00311 CMsvSearchSortQuery* searchQuery = CMsvSearchSortQuery::NewL(); 00312 CleanupStack::PushL(searchQuery); 00313 00314 //Search-sort operation is performed on a specified folder. (e.g, on INBOX, SENT ITEMS, 00315 //DRAFT, OUTBOX or any user created folder). Needs to sets the value of the folder entry. 00316 searchQuery->SetParentId(KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryIdValue); 00317 //Sets the type of result expected out of the search-sort operation. 00318 searchQuery->SetResultType(EMsvResultAsTMsvEntry); 00319 searchQuery->SetWholeWord(aWholeWordSearch); 00320 searchQuery->SetCaseSensitiveOption(aCaseSensitivity); 00321 searchQuery->SetWildCardSearch(EFalse); 00322 00323 //Adding search option. 00324 searchQuery->AddSearchOptionL(EMsvTo,aSearchtext, EMsvEqual); 00325 00326 //Combined search-sort we can add some more AddSearchOptionL function. 00327 if(aCombinedSearch) 00328 { 00329 TInt size = KSize; 00330 //Adding search option. 00331 searchQuery->AddSearchOptionL(EMsvSize, size, EMsvLessThanOrEqual); 00332 searchQuery->AddSearchOptionL(EMsvSubject, KSubjectSearch, EMsvEqual); 00333 00334 } 00335 00336 //Adding sort option. 00337 searchQuery->AddSortOptionL(EMsvDate, EMsvSortAscending); 00338 00339 //Poping the searchQuery object from cleanupstack as here after. 00340 //the control transfers to CMsvSearchSortOperation by making a call to RequestL. 00341 CleanupStack::Pop(searchQuery); 00342 00343 //Search-sort Request. 00344 iSearch->RequestL(searchQuery, ETrue, waiter->iStatus); 00345 waiter->StartAndWait(); 00346 00347 //To hold Search-sort results. 00348 RArray<TMsvEntry> resultArray; 00349 00350 //After the completion RequestL(), GetResultsL function provides a list of 00351 //index entry Id objects (TMsvEntry). 00352 TRAPD(ret, iSearch->GetResultsL(resultArray)); 00353 00354 iTResultSummary.Reset(); 00355 00356 TMsvId inboxId=KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId; 00357 CMsvEntry* entry = CMsvEntry::NewL(*iSession,inboxId,TMsvSelectionOrdering()); 00358 CleanupStack::PushL(entry); 00359 00360 if(ret == KErrNone) 00361 { 00362 //for getting and the entry details. 00363 for(TInt index=0;index<resultArray.Count();index++) 00364 { 00365 TResultSummary tempdata; 00366 TMsvEntry tempentry; 00367 TTime date; 00368 00369 tempentry=resultArray[index]; 00370 entry->SetEntryL(tempentry.Id()); 00371 00372 //For obtaining header info. 00373 CMsvStore* store = entry->ReadStoreL(); 00374 CleanupStack::PushL(store); 00375 CImHeader* emailEntry = CImHeader::NewLC(); 00376 emailEntry->RestoreL(*store); 00377 00378 tempdata.iSubjectText.Copy(emailEntry->Subject()); 00379 tempdata.iToText.Copy((emailEntry->ToRecipients())[0]); 00380 tempdata.iSize=tempentry.iSize; 00381 date=tempentry.iDate; 00382 date.FormatL(tempdata.iDatestring,KFormat1); 00383 date.FormatL(tempdata.iTimestring,KFormat2); 00384 iTResultSummary.Append(tempdata); 00385 00386 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2,store); //emailEntry, store. 00387 } 00388 aResultCount=iSearch->GetResultCountL(); 00389 } 00390 //After the completion of RequestL(), GetQueryIdL function provides the query Id. 00391 //corresponding to a search-sort query. 00392 iQueryId = iSearch->GetQueryIdL(); 00393 00394 iExampleTQueryTable.iQueryId=iQueryId; 00395 iExampleTQueryTable.iResultType=EMsvResultAsTMsvEntry; 00396 iQueryIdTable.Append(iExampleTQueryTable); 00397 00398 resultArray.Close(); 00399 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2,waiter); //entry, waiter. 00400 } 00401 00405 void CSearchsortExample::SearchSortRequestWithIteratorL(TInt& aResultCount) 00406 { 00407 00408 //CMessAsyncWaiter for async request. 00409 CMessAsyncWaiter* waiter = CMessAsyncWaiter::NewL(); 00410 CleanupStack::PushL(waiter); 00411 00412 //Create instance of CMsvSearchSortQuery to create a search-sort query. 00413 CMsvSearchSortQuery* searchQuery = CMsvSearchSortQuery::NewL(); 00414 CleanupStack::PushL(searchQuery); 00415 00416 //Search-sort operation is performed on a specified folder. (e.g, on INBOX, SENT ITEMS, 00417 //DRAFT, OUTBOX or any user created folder). Needs to sets the value of the folder entry. 00418 searchQuery->SetParentId(KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryIdValue); 00419 //Sets the type of result expected out of the search-sort operation. 00420 searchQuery->SetResultType(EMsvResultAsTMsvId); 00421 searchQuery->SetWholeWord(ETrue); 00422 searchQuery->SetCaseSensitiveOption(EFalse); 00423 searchQuery->SetWildCardSearch(EFalse); 00424 00425 00426 TInt size = KSize; 00427 //Add search option. 00428 searchQuery->AddSearchOptionL(EMsvSize, size, EMsvLessThanOrEqual); 00429 00430 //Add sort option. 00431 searchQuery->AddSortOptionL(EMsvDate, EMsvSortAscending); 00432 00433 //to enable Iterator. 00434 TInt iterator = 1; 00435 00436 //Poping the searchQuery object from cleanupstack as here after. 00437 //the control transfers to CMsvSearchSortOperation by making a call to RequestL. 00438 CleanupStack::Pop(searchQuery); 00439 //Search-sort Request. 00440 iSearch->RequestL(searchQuery, ETrue, waiter->iStatus,iterator); 00441 waiter->StartAndWait(); 00442 00443 //Array to copy Search-sort results. 00444 RArray<TMsvId> resultArray; 00445 TMsvId resultAsTMsvId; 00446 00447 00448 //Gets the TMsvId of a single index entry object at a time. 00449 //GetNextResultL function is used when getting the results using iterative mechanism 00450 //and it returns remaining search-sort results Count. 00451 while(iSearch->GetNextResultL(resultAsTMsvId)) 00452 { 00453 resultArray.AppendL(resultAsTMsvId); 00454 } 00455 00456 aResultCount=iSearch->GetResultCountL(); 00457 00458 resultArray.Close(); 00459 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(waiter); //waiter. 00460 } 00461 00465 void CSearchsortExample::SearchSortRequestByQueryIdL(TInt& aResultCount) 00466 { 00467 00468 00469 //CMessAsyncWaiter for async request. 00470 CMessAsyncWaiter* waiter = CMessAsyncWaiter::NewL(); 00471 CleanupStack::PushL(waiter); 00472 00473 //Search-sort Request by QueryId. 00474 iSearch->RequestL(iQueryId, waiter->iStatus); 00475 waiter->StartAndWait(); 00476 00477 00478 //To hold Search-sort results. 00479 TInt count=iQueryIdTable.Count(); 00480 TQueryTable tempdata; 00481 00482 TMsvId inboxId=KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId; 00483 CMsvEntry* entry = CMsvEntry::NewL(*iSession,inboxId,TMsvSelectionOrdering()); 00484 CleanupStack::PushL(entry); 00485 00486 iTResultSummary.Reset(); 00487 for(TInt index=0;index<count;index++) 00488 { 00489 tempdata=iQueryIdTable[index]; 00490 if(tempdata.iQueryId==iQueryId) 00491 { 00492 if(tempdata.iResultType==EMsvResultAsTMsvId) 00493 { 00494 RArray<TMsvId> resultArray; 00495 TRAPD(ret, iSearch->GetResultsL(resultArray)); 00496 if(ret == KErrNone) 00497 { 00498 TInt count = resultArray.Count(); 00499 aResultCount=count; 00500 } 00501 resultArray.Close(); 00502 } 00503 else if(tempdata.iResultType==EMsvResultAsTMsvEntry) 00504 { 00505 RArray<TMsvEntry> resultArray; 00506 TRAPD(ret, iSearch->GetResultsL(resultArray)); 00507 if(ret == KErrNone) 00508 { 00509 TInt count = resultArray.Count(); 00510 aResultCount=count; 00511 00512 //for getting the entry details. 00513 for(TInt index=0;index<count;index++) 00514 { 00515 TResultSummary tempdata; 00516 TMsvEntry tempentry; 00517 TTime date; 00518 00519 00520 tempentry=resultArray[index]; 00521 entry->SetEntryL(tempentry.Id()); 00522 00523 //for getting header info. 00524 CMsvStore* store = entry->ReadStoreL(); 00525 CleanupStack::PushL(store); 00526 CImHeader* emailEntry = CImHeader::NewLC(); 00527 emailEntry->RestoreL(*store); 00528 00529 00530 tempdata.iSubjectText.Copy(emailEntry->Subject()); 00531 tempdata.iToText.Copy((emailEntry->ToRecipients())[0]); 00532 tempdata.iSize=tempentry.iSize; 00533 date=tempentry.iDate; 00534 date.FormatL(tempdata.iDatestring,KFormat1); 00535 date.FormatL(tempdata.iTimestring,KFormat2); 00536 iTResultSummary.Append(tempdata); 00537 00538 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2,store); 00539 } 00540 } 00541 resultArray.Close(); 00542 } 00543 } 00544 } 00545 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2,waiter); // entry, waiter. 00546 } 00547 00551 void CSearchsortExample::DeleteSmtpMessageL() 00552 { 00553 //CMessAsyncWaiter for async request. 00554 00555 CMessAsyncWaiter* waiter = CMessAsyncWaiter::NewL(); 00556 CleanupStack::PushL(waiter); 00557 00558 TInt mycount; 00559 TMsvId inboxId = KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId; 00560 CMsvEntry* messagingEntry = CMsvEntry::NewL(*iSession,inboxId,TMsvSelectionOrdering()); 00561 CleanupStack::PushL(messagingEntry); 00562 messagingEntry->SetEntryL(inboxId); 00563 00564 CMsvEntrySelection* filteredMessageIds =messagingEntry->ChildrenL(); 00565 CleanupStack::PushL( filteredMessageIds); 00566 mycount=filteredMessageIds->Count(); 00567 if(mycount) 00568 { 00569 CMsvOperation* operation = messagingEntry->DeleteL(*filteredMessageIds,waiter->iStatus); 00570 CleanupStack::PushL(operation); 00571 waiter->StartAndWait(); 00572 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); 00573 } 00574 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3,waiter); //filteredMessageIds, messagingEntry, waiter. 00575 } 00576 00577 void CSearchsortExample::DeleteAccountsL() 00578 { 00579 00580 CEmailAccounts* accounts = CEmailAccounts::NewLC(); 00581 00582 RArray<TPopAccount> pop3Accounts; 00583 CleanupClosePushL(pop3Accounts); 00584 accounts->GetPopAccountsL(pop3Accounts); 00585 TInt count = pop3Accounts.Count(); 00586 TInt index=0; 00587 for( index = 0; index < count; index++ ) 00588 { 00589 TPopAccount id = pop3Accounts[index]; 00590 00591 TRAPD(err,accounts->DeletePopAccountL( id )); 00592 if(err!=KErrNone) 00593 { 00594 User::Panic(KUserPanic, err); 00595 } 00596 } 00597 00598 RArray<TImapAccount> imap4Accounts; 00599 CleanupClosePushL(imap4Accounts); 00600 accounts->GetImapAccountsL(imap4Accounts); 00601 count = imap4Accounts.Count(); 00602 for( TInt index = 0; index < count; index++ ) 00603 { 00604 TImapAccount id = imap4Accounts[index]; 00605 TRAPD(err,accounts->DeleteImapAccountL( id )); 00606 if(err!=KErrNone) 00607 { 00608 User::Panic(KUserPanic, err); 00609 } 00610 } 00611 00612 RArray<TSmtpAccount> smtpAccounts; 00613 CleanupClosePushL(smtpAccounts); 00614 accounts->GetSmtpAccountsL(smtpAccounts); 00615 00616 count = smtpAccounts.Count(); 00617 for( TInt index = 0; index < count; index++ ) 00618 { 00619 TSmtpAccount id = smtpAccounts[index]; 00620 00621 TRAPD(err,accounts->DeleteSmtpAccountL( id )); 00622 if(err!=KErrNone) 00623 { 00624 User::Panic(KUserPanic, err); 00625 } 00626 } 00627 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, accounts); 00628 } 00629
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