Debug::TThreadKillInfo Class Reference

class Debug::TThreadKillInfo

Event specific information returned as part of a TEventInfo object when a thread kill event occurs.

Member Data Documentation

TUint32 iCurrentPC

TUint32 iCurrentPC

The value of the program counter.

TInt iExitReason

TInt iExitReason

Specifies the reason for the kill thread event, this value is specific to the killed thread and does not correspond to a standard Symbian enumeration.

TUint8 iExitType

TUint8 iExitType

Specifies the type of the thread kill event, values correspond to elements of TExitType.

TUint8 iPanicCategory

TUint8 iPanicCategory

The panic category of the killed thread.

TInt iPanicCategoryLength

TInt iPanicCategoryLength

Contains the length in bytes of the initialised data in iPanicCategory.