mruiprivatecrkeys.h File Reference

const TUid KCRUidESMRUIPreviousLocations

const TUid KCRUidESMRUIPreviousLocations

MRUI Previous locations history repository uid. Repository contains editor location field history settings.


Product-configurable maximum amount of history items can be read from key KESMRUILocationHistoryItemMaxCount<c>.

Number of current history items can be read from key KESMRUILocationHistoryItemCount<c>

History items can be read from key range. Number of initialized keyrange keys can be read from key KESMRUILocationHistoryItemKeyRangeCount<c>

Keys for reading history items must be formed by bitwise-or of KESMRUILocationHistoryItemFirstInt<c> and KESMRUILocationHistoryItemKeyMask<c>. This creates a bitmask for accessing the key. The index of the actual key must be added to this bitmask. Note that the first key index is defined by KESMRUILocationHistoryItemFirstIndex<c>.

const TUint32 KESMRUILocationHistoryItemMaxCount

const TUint32 KESMRUILocationHistoryItemMaxCount

Read-only key for history list items maximum count.

Default value: 10

Integer data.

const TUint32 KESMRUILocationHistoryItemCount

const TUint32 KESMRUILocationHistoryItemCount

Key for current number of history items.

Default value: 0

Integer data.

const TUint32 KESMRUILocationHistoryItemOrder

const TUint32 KESMRUILocationHistoryItemOrder

Key for current item list sort order.

Default value: "" (KNullDesC8)

8-bit binary data (string8).

const TUint32 KESMRUILocationHistoryItemKeyRangeCount

const TUint32 KESMRUILocationHistoryItemKeyRangeCount

Key for current history items key range key count. Number of initialized keys in the key range. Key range uses 8-bit index mask providing maximum amount of 254 separate keys.

Default value: 0

Integer data.

const TUint32 KESMRUILocationHistoryItemFirstInt

const TUint32 KESMRUILocationHistoryItemFirstInt

First key in range keys.

const TUint32 KESMRUILocationHistoryItemLastInt

const TUint32 KESMRUILocationHistoryItemLastInt

Last key in range keys.

const TUint32 KESMRUILocationHistoryItemIndexBits

const TUint32 KESMRUILocationHistoryItemIndexBits

Bitmask for key index.

const TUint32 KESMRUILocationHistoryItemIndexMask

const TUint32 KESMRUILocationHistoryItemIndexMask

Bitmask for creating actual keys. Adding this bitmask to First int creates first actual key.

const TUint32 KESMRUILocationHistoryItemFirstIndex

const TUint32 KESMRUILocationHistoryItemFirstIndex

Staring index stored in index bits

const TUint32 KESMRUILocationHistoryItemKeyMask

const TUint32 KESMRUILocationHistoryItemKeyMask

Sub-key for History item data.

Default value: "" (KNullDesC8)

8-bit binary data (string8).