sisinstallerrors.h File Reference

const TInt KErrSISFieldIdMissing

const TInt KErrSISFieldIdMissing

Field Id was not found during SIS file parsing.

const TInt KErrSISFieldLengthMissing

const TInt KErrSISFieldLengthMissing

Field Length was not found during SIS file parsing.

const TInt KErrSISFieldLengthInvalid

const TInt KErrSISFieldLengthInvalid

An incorrect Field Length was encountered during field parsing in a SIS file. This might happen in both corrupted SIS files, and potentially malicious SIS files trying to cause panic conditions via large allocations.

const TInt KErrSISStringInvalidLength

const TInt KErrSISStringInvalidLength

A specific case of KErrSISFieldLengthInvalid for SISString. In addition to the cases documented for KErrSISFieldLengthMissing, it can happen whenever a string with an odd length is specified (which is invalid on a UCS2 field).

const TInt KErrSISSignedControllerSISControllerMissing

const TInt KErrSISSignedControllerSISControllerMissing

SIS Controller was not found in a signed SIS file.

const TInt KErrSISControllerSISInfoMissing

const TInt KErrSISControllerSISInfoMissing

SISInfo field was missing in a SIS controller.

const TInt KErrSISInfoSISUidMissing

const TInt KErrSISInfoSISUidMissing

SISUid field was missing in a SISInfo structure.

const TInt KErrSISInfoSISNamesMissing

const TInt KErrSISInfoSISNamesMissing

SISNames field was not found in a SISInfo structure. This might happen if a name was not found for a specific language (i.e. the number of languages specified is higher than the number of names specified in a SISInfo).

const TInt KErrSISFieldBufferTooShort

const TInt KErrSISFieldBufferTooShort

An insufficient buffer length was specified while parsing a SIS file.

const TInt KErrSISStringArrayInvalidElement

const TInt KErrSISStringArrayInvalidElement

An invalid element was found in a SISStringArray.

const TInt KErrSISInfoSISVendorNamesMissing

const TInt KErrSISInfoSISVendorNamesMissing

SISVendorNames field was not found in a SISInfo structure. This might happen if a vendor name was not found for a specific language (i.e. the number of languages specified is higher than the number of vendor names specified in a SISInfo).

const TInt KErrSISInfoSISVersionMissing

const TInt KErrSISInfoSISVersionMissing

SISVersion field was not found in a SISInfo structure.

const TInt KErrSISControllerSISSupportedLanguagesMissing

const TInt KErrSISControllerSISSupportedLanguagesMissing

SISSupportedLanguages field was missing in a SIS controller.

const TInt KErrSISSupportedLanguagesInvalidElement

const TInt KErrSISSupportedLanguagesInvalidElement

An incorrectly constructed SISSupportedLanguages element was found during SIS file installation.

const TInt KErrSISLanguageInvalidLength

const TInt KErrSISLanguageInvalidLength

Invalid length was specified in a SISLanguage element.

const TInt KErrSISContentsSISSignedControllerMissing

const TInt KErrSISContentsSISSignedControllerMissing

Invalid length was specified in a SISLanguage element.

const TInt KErrSISContentsSISDataMissing

const TInt KErrSISContentsSISDataMissing

SISData was missing in a SIS file.

const TInt KErrSISDataSISFileDataUnitMissing

const TInt KErrSISDataSISFileDataUnitMissing

SISFileData was missing in a SISDataUnit structure.

const TInt KErrSISFileDataUnitTargetMissing

const TInt KErrSISFileDataUnitTargetMissing

Target was missing for a SISFile data unit.

const TInt KErrSISFileOptionsMissing

const TInt KErrSISFileOptionsMissing

SISFileOptions field was missing.

const TInt KErrSISFileDataUnitDescriptorMissing

const TInt KErrSISFileDataUnitDescriptorMissing

SISFileDataUnit descriptor was missing.

const TInt KErrSISFileDataDescriptionMissing

const TInt KErrSISFileDataDescriptionMissing

SISFileData description was missing.

const TInt KErrSISContentsMissing

const TInt KErrSISContentsMissing

SISContents field was missing in a SIS file.

const TInt KErrSISEmbeddedControllersMissing

const TInt KErrSISEmbeddedControllersMissing

An embedded controller was missing in a SISController structure.

const TInt KErrSISEmbeddedDataUnitsMissing

const TInt KErrSISEmbeddedDataUnitsMissing

An embedded SISDataUnit was missing.

const TInt KErrSISControllerOptionsMissing

const TInt KErrSISControllerOptionsMissing

SISupportedOptions field was missing in a SIS controller.

const TInt KErrSISExpressionMissing

const TInt KErrSISExpressionMissing

A SISExpression was missing.

const TInt KErrSISExpressionStringValueMissing

const TInt KErrSISExpressionStringValueMissing

A StringValue was missing in a SISExpression.

const TInt KErrSISOptionsStringMissing

const TInt KErrSISOptionsStringMissing

A SISOptionString was missing.

const TInt KErrSISFileOptionsExpressionMissing

const TInt KErrSISFileOptionsExpressionMissing

A SISFileOptionsExpression was missing.

const TInt KErrSISExpressionHeadValueMissing

const TInt KErrSISExpressionHeadValueMissing

A SISExpression integer value was missing.

const TInt KErrSISEmbeddedSISOptionsMissing

const TInt KErrSISEmbeddedSISOptionsMissing

SISEmbeddedSISOptions were missing.

const TInt KErrSISInfoSISUpgradeRangeMissing

const TInt KErrSISInfoSISUpgradeRangeMissing

SISUpgradeRange was missing in a SISInfo.

const TInt KErrSISDependencyMissingUid

const TInt KErrSISDependencyMissingUid

UID was missing in a SISDependency.

const TInt KErrSISDependencyMissingVersion

const TInt KErrSISDependencyMissingVersion

Version was missing in a SISDependency.

const TInt KErrSISDependencyMissingNames

const TInt KErrSISDependencyMissingNames

Names were missing in a SISDependency.

const TInt KErrSISPrerequisitesMissingDependency

const TInt KErrSISPrerequisitesMissingDependency

A prerequisite was not found for a SIS file. Please note that all prerequisites should be found either in the SIS file itself or pre-installed on the device.

const TInt KErrSISControllerMissingPrerequisites

const TInt KErrSISControllerMissingPrerequisites

SISPrerequisites field was missing in a SIS controller.

const TInt KErrSISUpgradeRangeMissingVersion

const TInt KErrSISUpgradeRangeMissingVersion

Version field was missing in a SISUpgradeRange.

const TInt KErrSISUnexpectedFieldType

const TInt KErrSISUnexpectedFieldType

An unexpected field type was found while parsing a SIS file. This is most likely to happen when a certain field type is expected in a certain structure, and another one is detected instead.

const TInt KErrSISExpressionUnknownOperator

const TInt KErrSISExpressionUnknownOperator

An unknown operator was encountered in a SISExpression.

const TInt KErrSISArrayReadError

const TInt KErrSISArrayReadError

The length of a SISArray does not match the sum of the length of its items and the internal field type size.

const TInt KErrSISArrayTypeMismatch

const TInt KErrSISArrayTypeMismatch

Internal element type in a SISArray does not match the expected element type for that array. E.g., an array of strings was expected, but an array of another type was found.

const TInt KErrSISInvalidStringLength

const TInt KErrSISInvalidStringLength

A specific case of KErrSISFieldLengthInvalid for SISString. In addition to the cases documented for KErrSISFieldLengthMissing, it can happen whenever a string with an odd length is specified (which is invalid on a UCS2 field).

const TInt KErrSISCompressionNotSupported

const TInt KErrSISCompressionNotSupported

An unknown compression algorithm was encountered in a SIS file.

const TInt KErrSISTooDeeplyEmbedded

const TInt KErrSISTooDeeplyEmbedded

A too deep level of embedding was found in a SIS file (a default maximal depth is 8).

const TInt KErrSISInvalidTargetFile

const TInt KErrSISInvalidTargetFile
An invalid target file specification was found in a SIS file. Typical examples are:
  • A wrong drive has been specified.

An update package attempted to change files out of the scope of the original package.
  • Non-executable or a DLL was being installed to "/sys/bin".

  • An attempt was made to overwrite a file by an existing package.

Other sorts of incorrect target file path specification in a SIS file can also lead to the same error. This code is usually generated in conjunction with other error codes, for example EUiInvalidFileName or EUiDiskNotPresent.

const TInt KErrSISWouldOverWrite

const TInt KErrSISWouldOverWrite

A file being installed would overwrite an existing file, for instance because it has already been installed.

const TInt KErrSISInfoMissingRemoveDirectories

const TInt KErrSISInfoMissingRemoveDirectories

RemoveDirectories were missing in a SISInfo.

const TInt KErrSISNotEnoughSpaceToInstall

const TInt KErrSISNotEnoughSpaceToInstall

Not enough space to install a SIS file.

const TInt KErrInstallerLeave

const TInt KErrInstallerLeave

A generic error was encountered in the SIS installer.

const TInt KErrPolicyFileCorrupt

const TInt KErrPolicyFileCorrupt

A corrupt policy file was found on the device.

const TInt KErrSignatureSchemeNotSupported

const TInt KErrSignatureSchemeNotSupported

Security policy file declared a signature scheme which is not supported by the Symbian OS.

const TInt KErrDigestNotSupported

const TInt KErrDigestNotSupported

An unsupported digest function was used in a signed SIS file.

const TInt KErrBadHash

const TInt KErrBadHash

A bad digest was found in a signed file. Usually it happens when the signed file has been tampered with.

const TInt KErrSecurityError

const TInt KErrSecurityError
A general-purpose error code method after installation was aborted due to a security error which had already been reported via a callback dialog (see MUiHandler interface). Typical examples which can lead to KErrSecurityError are:
  • The SIS file is not signed but the device is set up to require they be so.
    • The SIS file's content contains a protected SID/VID which isn't signed for.

    • System capabilities are requested but not signed for.

const TInt KErrBadUsage

const TInt KErrBadUsage [static]

A general-purpose error code for misuse of an interface.

const TInt KErrInvalidType

const TInt KErrInvalidType [static]

Invalid type while evaluating an expression.

const TInt KErrInvalidExpression

const TInt KErrInvalidExpression [static]

Invalid expression format has been encountered.

const TInt KErrExpressionToComplex

const TInt KErrExpressionToComplex [static]

Expression was too complex to process (e.g. had too many nesting levels).

const TInt KErrMissingBasePackage

const TInt KErrMissingBasePackage

An installation of an augmentation or partial upgrade failed, since the base package is not present on the device.

const TInt KErrInvalidUpgrade

const TInt KErrInvalidUpgrade

An upgrade failed because the package being installed is not a valid upgrade of the package on the device.

const TInt KErrInvalidEclipsing

const TInt KErrInvalidEclipsing

Detected an attempt to perform an illegal eclipsing of a file during installation or restore.

const TInt KErrWrongHeaderFormat

const TInt KErrWrongHeaderFormat

An incorrect executable format was detected by the software installer.

const TInt KErrCapabilitiesMismatch

const TInt KErrCapabilitiesMismatch

Mismatch between capabilities declared in the executable, and those found in the SIS file controller section.

const TInt KErrLegacySisFile

const TInt KErrLegacySisFile

A legacy SIS file has been detected.

const TInt KErrInvalidSoftwareTypeRegistrationFile

const TInt KErrInvalidSoftwareTypeRegistrationFile

An installation failed because the package being installed contains an invalid software type registration file.