VORBIS params

Member Data Documentation

OMX_BOOL bDownmix

OMX_BOOL bDownmix

Downmix input from stereo to mono (has no effect on non-stereo streams). Useful for lower-bitrate encoding.

OMX_BOOL bManaged

OMX_BOOL bManaged

Set bitrate management mode. This turns off the normal VBR encoding, but allows hard or soft bitrate constraints to be enforced by the encoder. This mode can be slower, and may also be lower quality. It is primarily useful for streaming.

OMX_U32 nAudioBandWidth

OMX_U32 nAudioBandWidth

Audio band width (in Hz) to which an encoder should limit the audio signal. Use 0 to let encoder decide

OMX_U32 nBitRate

OMX_U32 nBitRate

Bit rate of the encoded data data. Use 0 for variable rate or unknown bit rates. Encoding is set to the bitrate closest to specified value (in bps)

OMX_U32 nChannels

OMX_U32 nChannels

Number of channels

OMX_U32 nMaxBitRate

OMX_U32 nMaxBitRate

Sets maximum bitrate (in bps).

OMX_U32 nMinBitRate

OMX_U32 nMinBitRate

Sets minimum bitrate (in bps).

OMX_U32 nPortIndex

OMX_U32 nPortIndex

port that this structure applies to

OMX_S32 nQuality

OMX_S32 nQuality

Sets encoding quality to n, between -1 (low) and 10 (high). In the default mode of operation, teh quality level is 3. Normal quality range is 0 - 10.

OMX_U32 nSampleRate

OMX_U32 nSampleRate

Sampling rate of the source data. Use 0 for variable or unknown sampling rate.

OMX_U32 nSize

OMX_U32 nSize

size of the structure in bytes



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