ApEngineConsts.h File Reference

const TInt KErrInvalidColumn

const TInt KErrInvalidColumn

const TInt KErrInvalidBearer

const TInt KErrInvalidBearer

const TInt KErrInvalidDatabaseType

const TInt KErrInvalidDatabaseType

const TInt KErrInvalidName

const TInt KErrInvalidName

const TInt KErrDescOverflow

const TInt KErrDescOverflow

const TInt KErrNullPointerPassed

const TInt KErrNullPointerPassed

const TInt KErrInvalidFilterType

const TInt KErrInvalidFilterType

const TInt KErrInvalidBearerType

const TInt KErrInvalidBearerType

const TInt KErrInvalidIspRequest

const TInt KErrInvalidIspRequest

const TInt KErrValueUnspecified

const TInt KErrValueUnspecified

const TInt KApEngineMaxSql

const TInt KApEngineMaxSql

const TInt KEApSortUidAscending

const TInt KEApSortUidAscending

The sorting is done according to the ID of the access points in ascending order.

const TInt KEApSortUidDescending

const TInt KEApSortUidDescending

The sorting is done according to the ID of the access points in descending order.

const TInt KEApSortNameAscending

const TInt KEApSortNameAscending

The sorting is done according to the name of the access points in ascending order.

const TInt KEApSortNameDescending

const TInt KEApSortNameDescending

The sorting is done according to the name of the access points in descending order.

const TInt KEApIspTypeInternetOnly

const TInt KEApIspTypeInternetOnly

Filter allows only access points that are capable of only internet access.

const TInt KEApIspTypeWAPOnly

const TInt KEApIspTypeWAPOnly

Filter allows only access points that are capable of only WAP access.

const TInt KEApIspTypeInternetAndWAP

const TInt KEApIspTypeInternetAndWAP

Filter allows only access points that are capable of internet AND WAP access.

const TInt KEApIspTypeWAPMandatory

const TInt KEApIspTypeWAPMandatory

Filter allows only access points that are capable of WAP access AND contain mandatory WAP settings.

const TInt KEApIspTypeAll

const TInt KEApIspTypeAll

No filtering is done, all access points are shown.

const TInt KEApIspTypeMMSMandatory

const TInt KEApIspTypeMMSMandatory

Filter allows only access points that are capable of MMS and contain MMS mandatory settings Starting Page

const TInt KModifiableTextLength

const TInt KModifiableTextLength

const TInt KModifiableLongTextLength

const TInt KModifiableLongTextLength

const TUint32 KMaxAnalogueSpeed

const TUint32 KMaxAnalogueSpeed

const TUint32 KMaxIsdnSpeed

const TUint32 KMaxIsdnSpeed

const TUint32 KMaxAnalogueSpeedWcdma

const TUint32 KMaxAnalogueSpeedWcdma

const TUint32 KMaxIsdnSpeedWdma

const TUint32 KMaxIsdnSpeedWdma

const TLitC< sizeof(L"SELECT %s from %s WHERE %s=%d")/2 > KSqlSelectNum

const TLitC < sizeof(L"SELECT %s from %s WHERE %s=%d")/2 > KSqlSelectNum [static]

const TLitC< sizeof(L"SELECT * from %s WHERE %s=%d")/2 KSqlSelectBaseNum

const TLitC < sizeof(L"SELECT * from %s WHERE %s=%d")/2 KSqlSelectBaseNum [static]

const TLitC< sizeof(L"")/2 > KDynIpAddress

const TLitC < sizeof(L"")/2 > KDynIpAddress [static]

const TLitC< sizeof(L"http:const static TLitC<sizeof(L"Mobile" )/2> KLocation ={sizeof(L"Mobile" )/2-1,L"Mobile" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"CSD Modem" )/2> KModemBearerCSD ={sizeof(L"CSD Modem" )/2-1,L"CSD Modem" }; const static TLitC<sizeof(L"GPRS Modem" )/2> KModemBearerGPRS ={sizeof(L"GPRS Modem" )/2-1,L"GPRS Modem" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"CDMA Modem" )/2> KModemBearerCDMA ={sizeof(L"CDMA Modem" )/2-1,L"CDMA Modem" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"WLANBearer" )/2> KModemBearerWLAN ={sizeof(L"WLANBearer" )/2-1,L"WLANBearer" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"LANBearer" )/2> KModemBearerLAN ={sizeof(L"LANBearer" )/2-1,L"LANBearer" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"LANModem" )/2> KModemBearerLANModem ={sizeof(L"LANModem" )/2-1,L"LANModem" };const TInt KRetryCount = 5;#define KRetryWaitconst TUint32 KCallBackTimeOut = 60000000;const static TLitC<sizeof(L"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" )/2> KDynIpv6Address ={sizeof(L"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" )/2-1,L"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"NetCfgExtnDhcp" )/2> KDaemonManagerName ={sizeof(L"NetCfgExtnDhcp" )/2-1,L"NetCfgExtnDhcp" };const static TLitC<sizeof(L"!DhcpServ" )/2> KConfigDaemonName ={sizeof(L"!DhcpServ" )/2-1,L"!DhcpServ" };# 29 "X:/epoc32/include/mw/ApSelect.h" 2class CApListItem;class CApListItemList;class CApUtils;enum TVpnFilterType { EVpnFilterVpnOnly, EVpnFilterNoVpn, EVpnFilterBoth };typedef struct { TInt iMaxIndex; TInt iReqIpvType; TInt iIsIpv6Supported; TInt iExtra; TBool iIsFeatureManagerInitialised; TBool iCdma; TInt iVpnFilterType; TBool iWlanSupported; TBool iIncludeEasyWlan; }TSelectExtra;typedef struct { TUint32 iVpnIapId; TUint32 iHomeIapId; TUint32 iHomeSnapId; HBufC * iName; }TVpnData;class CApSelect :public CBase { public: IMPORT_C static CApSelect* NewLC( CCommsDatabase& aDb, TInt aIspFilter, TInt aBearerFilter, TInt aSortType ); IMPORT_C static CApSelect* NewLC( CCommsDatabase& aDb, TInt aIspFilter, TInt aBearerFilter, TInt aSortType, TInt aReqIpvType ); IMPORT_C static CApSelect* NewLC( CCommsDatabase& aDb, TInt aIspFilter, TInt aBearerFilter, TInt aSortType, TInt aReqIpvType, TVpnFilterType aVpnFilterType ); IMPORT_C static CApSelect* NewLC( CCommsDatabase& aDb, TInt aIspFilter, TInt aBearerFilter, TInt aSortType, TInt aReqIpvType, TVpnFilterType aVpnFilterType, TBool aIncludeEasyWlan ); IMPORT_C virtual ~CApSelect(); protected: IMPORT_C CApSelect(); IMPORT_C void ConstructL( CCommsDatabase& aDb, TInt aIspFilter, TInt aBearerFilter, TInt aSortType ); IMPORT_C void ConstructL( CCommsDatabase& aDb, TInt aIspFilter, TInt aBearerFilter, TInt aSortType, TInt aReqIpvType ); IMPORT_C void ConstructL( CCommsDatabase& aDb, TInt aIspFilter, TInt aBearerFilter, TInt aSortType, TInt aReqIpvType, TVpnFilterType aVpnFilterType ); IMPORT_C void ConstructL( CCommsDatabase& aDb, TInt aIspFilter, TInt aBearerFilter, TInt aSortType, TInt aReqIpvType, TVpnFilterType aVpnFilterType, TBool aIncludeEasyWlan ); public: IMPORT_C void SetFiltersL( TInt aIspFilter, TInt aBearerFilter, TInt aSortType ); IMPORT_C TInt IspTypeFilter(); IMPORT_C TInt BearerFilter(); IMPORT_C TInt SortOrder(); IMPORT_C TBool MoveToFirst(); IMPORT_C TBool MoveNext(); IMPORT_C TBool MoveLast(); IMPORT_C TBool MovePrev(); IMPORT_C TUint32 Count(); IMPORT_C const TDesC& Name(); IMPORT_C TUint32 Uid(); IMPORT_C TCommsDbIspType Type(); IMPORT_C TApBearerType BearerType(); IMPORT_C TInt AllListItemDataL( CApListItemList& aList ); IMPORT_C TBool IsReadOnly() const; private: TInt DoUpdateL(); CCommsDbTableView* GetFilteredSortedWapTableViewLC(); CCommsDbTableView* GetFilteredSortedIpBearerTableViewLC(); CCommsDbTableView* GetFilteredSortedIspOutTableViewLC(); CCommsDbTableView* GetFilteredSortedGprsTableViewLC( TBool aIn ); void GetUintValuesL ( CCommsDbTableView* aTable, const TDesC& aField, CArrayFixFlat<TUint32>& aArray ); void GetProtValuesL( CCommsDbTableView* aTable, CArrayFixFlat<TUint32>& aArray ); void GetTextValuesL ( CCommsDbTableView* aTable, const TDesC& aField, CArrayPtrFlat<HBufC>& aArray ); void GetLongTextValuesL ( CCommsDbTableView* aTable, const TDesC& aField, CArrayPtrFlat<HBufC>& aArray ); TBool IsInArray( CArrayFixFlat<TUint32>* aArray, TUint32 aValue ); TInt PosInArray( CArrayFixFlat<TUint32>* aArray, TUint32 aValue ); TInt GetItemPos( CApListItemList* aTmpApList, TUint32 aId ); CCommsDbTableView* OpenViewMatchingTextL ( const TDesC& aTableName, const TDesC& aColumnToMatch, const TDesC16& aValueToMatch ); void GetIspValuesL ( CCommsDbTableView* aTable, CArrayFixFlat<TUint32 HandleApDbEventL

const TLitC < sizeof(L"http:const static TLitC <sizeof(L"Mobile" )/2> KLocation ={sizeof(L"Mobile" )/2-1,L"Mobile" };const static TLitC <sizeof(L"CSD Modem" )/2> KModemBearerCSD ={sizeof(L"CSD Modem" )/2-1,L"CSD Modem" }; const static TLitC <sizeof(L"GPRS Modem" )/2> KModemBearerGPRS ={sizeof(L"GPRS Modem" )/2-1,L"GPRS Modem" };const static TLitC <sizeof(L"CDMA Modem" )/2> KModemBearerCDMA ={sizeof(L"CDMA Modem" )/2-1,L"CDMA Modem" };const static TLitC <sizeof(L"WLANBearer" )/2> KModemBearerWLAN ={sizeof(L"WLANBearer" )/2-1,L"WLANBearer" };const static TLitC <sizeof(L"LANBearer" )/2> KModemBearerLAN ={sizeof(L"LANBearer" )/2-1,L"LANBearer" };const static TLitC <sizeof(L"LANModem" )/2> KModemBearerLANModem ={sizeof(L"LANModem" )/2-1,L"LANModem" };const TInt KRetryCount = 5;#define KRetryWaitconst TUint32 KCallBackTimeOut = 60000000;const static TLitC <sizeof(L"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" )/2> KDynIpv6Address ={sizeof(L"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" )/2-1,L"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0" };const static TLitC <sizeof(L"NetCfgExtnDhcp" )/2> KDaemonManagerName ={sizeof(L"NetCfgExtnDhcp" )/2-1,L"NetCfgExtnDhcp" };const static TLitC <sizeof(L"!DhcpServ" )/2> KConfigDaemonName ={sizeof(L"!DhcpServ" )/2-1,L"!DhcpServ" };# 29 "X:/epoc32/include/mw/ApSelect.h" 2class CApListItem;class CApListItemList;class CApUtils;enum TVpnFilterType { EVpnFilterVpnOnly, EVpnFilterNoVpn, EVpnFilterBoth };typedef struct { TInt iMaxIndex; TInt iReqIpvType; TInt iIsIpv6Supported; TInt iExtra; TBool iIsFeatureManagerInitialised; TBool iCdma; TInt iVpnFilterType; TBool iWlanSupported; TBool iIncludeEasyWlan; }TSelectExtra;typedef struct { TUint32 iVpnIapId; TUint32 iHomeIapId; TUint32 iHomeSnapId; HBufC * iName; }TVpnData;class CApSelect :public CBase { public: IMPORT_C static CApSelect* NewLC( CCommsDatabase& aDb, TInt aIspFilter, TInt aBearerFilter, TInt aSortType ); IMPORT_C static CApSelect* NewLC( CCommsDatabase& aDb, TInt aIspFilter, TInt aBearerFilter, TInt aSortType, TInt aReqIpvType ); IMPORT_C static CApSelect* NewLC( CCommsDatabase& aDb, TInt aIspFilter, TInt aBearerFilter, TInt aSortType, TInt aReqIpvType, TVpnFilterType aVpnFilterType ); IMPORT_C static CApSelect* NewLC( CCommsDatabase& aDb, TInt aIspFilter, TInt aBearerFilter, TInt aSortType, TInt aReqIpvType, TVpnFilterType aVpnFilterType, TBool aIncludeEasyWlan ); IMPORT_C virtual ~CApSelect(); protected: IMPORT_C CApSelect(); IMPORT_C void ConstructL( CCommsDatabase& aDb, TInt aIspFilter, TInt aBearerFilter, TInt aSortType ); IMPORT_C void ConstructL( CCommsDatabase& aDb, TInt aIspFilter, TInt aBearerFilter, TInt aSortType, TInt aReqIpvType ); IMPORT_C void ConstructL( CCommsDatabase& aDb, TInt aIspFilter, TInt aBearerFilter, TInt aSortType, TInt aReqIpvType, TVpnFilterType aVpnFilterType ); IMPORT_C void ConstructL( CCommsDatabase& aDb, TInt aIspFilter, TInt aBearerFilter, TInt aSortType, TInt aReqIpvType, TVpnFilterType aVpnFilterType, TBool aIncludeEasyWlan ); public: IMPORT_C void SetFiltersL( TInt aIspFilter, TInt aBearerFilter, TInt aSortType ); IMPORT_C TInt IspTypeFilter(); IMPORT_C TInt BearerFilter(); IMPORT_C TInt SortOrder(); IMPORT_C TBool MoveToFirst(); IMPORT_C TBool MoveNext(); IMPORT_C TBool MoveLast(); IMPORT_C TBool MovePrev(); IMPORT_C TUint32 Count(); IMPORT_C const TDesC& Name(); IMPORT_C TUint32 Uid(); IMPORT_C TCommsDbIspType Type(); IMPORT_C TApBearerType BearerType(); IMPORT_C TInt AllListItemDataL( CApListItemList& aList ); IMPORT_C TBool IsReadOnly() const; private: TInt DoUpdateL(); CCommsDbTableView* GetFilteredSortedWapTableViewLC(); CCommsDbTableView* GetFilteredSortedIpBearerTableViewLC(); CCommsDbTableView* GetFilteredSortedIspOutTableViewLC(); CCommsDbTableView* GetFilteredSortedGprsTableViewLC( TBool aIn ); void GetUintValuesL ( CCommsDbTableView* aTable, const TDesC& aField, CArrayFixFlat<TUint32>& aArray ); void GetProtValuesL( CCommsDbTableView* aTable, CArrayFixFlat<TUint32>& aArray ); void GetTextValuesL ( CCommsDbTableView* aTable, const TDesC& aField, CArrayPtrFlat<HBufC>& aArray ); void GetLongTextValuesL ( CCommsDbTableView* aTable, const TDesC& aField, CArrayPtrFlat<HBufC>& aArray ); TBool IsInArray( CArrayFixFlat<TUint32>* aArray, TUint32 aValue ); TInt PosInArray( CArrayFixFlat<TUint32>* aArray, TUint32 aValue ); TInt GetItemPos( CApListItemList* aTmpApList, TUint32 aId ); CCommsDbTableView* OpenViewMatchingTextL ( const TDesC& aTableName, const TDesC& aColumnToMatch, const TDesC16& aValueToMatch ); void GetIspValuesL ( CCommsDbTableView* aTable, CArrayFixFlat<TUint32 HandleApDbEventL [static]