How to access reference counting objects in object containers

The following code fragment retrieves a pointer to the reference counting object with the name "Monday". It assumes that such a reference counting object does exist.

class CMyobject : public CObject

CMyobject*  theobject;
CObjectCon* thecontainer;
TInt        thefindhandle;
TName       objname;
theobject = (CMyObject*)thecontainer->AtL(thefindhandle);

The following code fragment retrieves pointers to all of the reference counting objects whose names end with "day":

class CMyobject : public CObject

CMyobject*  theobject;
CObjectCon* thecontainer;
TInt        thefindhandle;
TName       objname;
thefindhandle = 0;
while (thecontainer->FindByName(thefindhandle,KMatcher,objname)==KerrNone)
    // objname contains the reference counting object's
    // name, e.g. "Monday" or "Tuesday"
    theobject = (CMyobject*)thecontainer->AtL(thefindhandle);
// Now found all matching reference counting objects