MMmfGlobalAudioEffectObserver Class Reference

class MMmfGlobalAudioEffectObserver

Notify changes as requested

Public Member Functions
void GAEEventNotificationL ( CMmfGlobalAudioEffect *, TUid , const TDesC8 &)

Member Functions Documentation

GAEEventNotificationL(CMmfGlobalAudioEffect *, TUid, const TDesC8 &)

void GAEEventNotificationL ( CMmfGlobalAudioEffect * aEffect,
TUid aEventUid,
const TDesC8 & aParam
) [pure virtual]


CMmfGlobalAudioEffect * aEffect The effect object from where the notification is being signaled
TUid aEventUid The uid passed to CMmfGlobalAudioEffect::RequestNotificationL()
const TDesC8 & aParam Parameter data, exact use will depend on aEventUid